2022.第50卷第2期(Vol. 50 No. 2).pp. 151–176
The Effectiveness of a Playful Strength-based Career Counseling on Career Adaptabilities and Career Stress Coping of Taiwan College Students
Pay-Ling HARN(韓佩凌)
This study aimed to explore the effects of a playful strength-based career counseling on career adaptabilities and career coping strategies of Taiwan college students. The researcher adopted three playful modes of Six Bricks, Play Box and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, and took strengths as the core strategy to construct a playful strength-based career counseling. The participants consisted of 60 Taiwan college students. The experimental group received a 12-hour playful strength-based career counseling; the control group joined in a 12-hour positive psychology course. The two groups were compared on their scores on the “Career Adapt-Abilities Scale” and “Career Stress Coping Scale” one day and one month after the last session. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA. Besides, the researcher collected the text data of learning logs to explore the connotation of change by content analysis method. The results showed that the playful strength-based career counseling had immediate effects on career concern, career control, career curiosity, problem-focused coping, and had delayed effects on career control, career curiosity, problem-focused coping. There was no significant difference in emotion-focused coping. Qualitative analysis showed that the playful strength-based career counseling had a positive effect on promoting career thinking, positive emotions, and career actions.
Keywords: playful; strength-based; career counseling; career adaptabilities; career stress coping