2006.第15卷第1期(Vol. 15 No. 1).pp. 5975
Primary Science Inquiry Activities: Promoting the Development of Children's Scientific Thinking
蘇詠梅、鍾媚(Winnie Wing-Mui SO & Mei ZHONG)
Scientific Inquiry has been seen as an important goal of science education to facilitate scientific understanding and develop scientific thinking and scientific processes. This paper makes reference to written reports and oral presentations of the outstanding teams of the last three Primary Science Project Exhibitions based on five aspects: idea generation, asking of questions, investigation and testing, data collection and interpretation and the evaluation of experience. The study aims to provide a better general picture of children's science thinking during the scientific inquiry process. Findings show that children had an inquiring mind and could raise appropriate questions, state aims of the inquiry clearly, collect and organize information well, and could reason and draw conclusions. However, children were relatively weaker in the areas of making sound judgment, fair comparisons and critical reflection.