
School Banding and Creativity of Hong Kong Junior Secondary School Students

2002.第17卷第1期(Vol. 17 No. 1).pp. 43–62

School Banding and Creativity of Hong Kong Junior Secondary School Students

Elisabeth RUDOWICZ & Anna HUI


The major purpose of this study was to investigate the level of development of creative potential among Hong Kong secondary school students, and to examine the relationship between school banding and students' creativity. Students' creative potential was measured by the Test of Creative Thinking — Drawing Production (TCT-DP). A sample of 2,411 participants aged between 12–16 randomly selected from 23 secondary schools took part in the study. Results from this investigation were briefly compared with data obtained from studies in other cultural settings. Hong Kong students aged 12 and 13, irrespective of the school banding, achieved rather lower scores on the TCT-DP as compared with German students. However, the TCT-DP scores of students attending schools representing high academic standard (high band) accelerated dramatically for ages 14 and 15. The study also found that students attending medium and low band schools showed no significant development of their creative potential between the ages of 12 and 16. School band proved to be a statistically significant predictor of creative development.

Keywords: creativity, secondary school; school banding; Hong Kong

