1986.第1卷(Vol. 1).pp. 8085
馮以浤(Yee-Wang FUNG)
A comprehensive questionnaire on extra-curricular activities conducted in secondary schools was sent to all secondary school principals through the Education Department to survey the situation in mid 1983. A total of 186 schools responded, of which 149 belonged to the public, and 37 to the private sector, representing respectively 50.00% and 30.58% of the total number of schools in each category. The results showed that on the average, public schools had 30.31 clubs or types of activities each whereas private schools had only 19.31 each. However, in terms of pupil response, the difference between these two categories of schools, through still in favour of the former, was not so obvious.
Compared with private schools, public schools were found to have much better facilities but spend only slightly more money on extra-curricular activities and show only a slightly higher degree of teacher participation. It was argued that facilities were a major factor affecting the development of extra-curricular activities in secondary schools, but other factors also had a part to play. Further research into these factors would enable us to understand their effects more fully.