2008.第23卷第2期(Vol. 23 No. 2).pp. 277298
An Action Research on Cantonese Learning: Integration of Online Self Learning and Situational Conversation Practice in Class
譚彩鳳(Angela Choi-Fung TAM)
This action research was designed with an objective to examine the effectiveness of a Cantonese curriculum with a hybrid format, including online self learning and traditional face-to-face classroom. Course materials were developed and uploaded to the World Wide Web for self learning prior to students’ engagement in situational conversations, practicing Cantonese with their peers in class. Various sources of data were collected including teacher’s journals, minutes of meetings, critical friend’s class visits, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The finding affirms the positive effectiveness of the hybrid curriculum. Students’ self learning skills have been developed, their learning conceptions have been altered and favorable language learning environment with social interaction has been created. It is highlighted that the teacher plays a significant role in curriculum design, her reflection-in-action and adaptive pedagogy has engendered a move to autonomous learning.