2007.第22卷第2期(Vol. 22 No. 2).pp. 179199
Which Rubric is More Suitable for NSS Liberal Studies? Analytic or Holistic?
Sze-Wing A. KUO
This paper tries to gather evidence from literature review, to answer the question asked by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA): whether analytic rubric or holistic rubric should be chosen in scoring candidates’ written responses of New Senior Secondary (NSS) Liberal Studies public examination. Criteria for comparison include: impact, discriminative power, inter-rater reliability, bias-free, and time-saving. Analysis of the research findings suggests that analytic rubric appeared to be more appropriate for the assessment. Further studies are suggested to be done in implementing a large scale research project for facilitating learning from performance-based assessment, accommodation of students with special learning difficulty, combination of holistic and analytic rubric and comprehensive raters’ training.
Keywords: liberal studies; rubric; performance-based assessment