2009.第24卷第1期(Vol. 24 No. 1).pp. 95133
The Landscape of Curriculum Studies in Hong Kong From 1980–2008: A Review
John Chi-Kin LEE(李子建)
While there were few publications on curriculum studies in Hong Kong in the 1960s and the 1970s, 1980s and the 1990s saw the growth in research and publications. This review is mainly based on papers published in Hong Kong journals and the ERIC database as well as selected books related to curriculum studies from 1980 to 2008. The results showed the trends that while there were publications on curriculum theories and conceptual analysis of curriculum issues, there were not many publications on philosophical curriculum studies especially those based on the reconceptualist and postmodernist traditions. In addition, in terms of research traditions in curriculum studies, it seems that the literature cited in this paper gave an impression of dominance of curriculum studies in the area of school-based curriculum development based on the practical traditions. In contrast, there were less curriculum studies based on the scientific traditions. Moreover, in terms of research methods used in curriculum studies, there were many practical curriculum studies employing case studies as well as analyses of curriculum materials and plans. Some directions for future curriculum studies are then suggested.
Keywords: curriculum studies; Hong Kong; research