
Andreas M. Kazamias歷史取向比較教育方法論之研究

2019.第47卷第1期(Vol. 47 No. 1).pp. 95–112

Andreas M. Kazamias歷史取向比較教育方法論之研究

A Study on Andreas M. Kazamias’s Historical Approach in Comparative Education

黃柏叡(Bo-Ruey HUANG)


本文探討Andreas M. Kazamias的比較教育研究理念和反省比較教育的發展,並根據探討內容,闡述其相關主張對於比較教育研究的意義。Kazamias是一位具多重身分的知識分子學者,他是比較教育的人文主義歷史學家、左派的批判知識分子和批判的人文主義者,曾發表許多比較教育和教育史的學術著作;他被稱為「希臘式的比較學者」,因為他的研究和著作皆展現出「希臘人文主義」,大量運用古希臘神話、符號和隱喻,批判分析當代教育議題。本文採用「思想研究」方法介紹其歷史取向比較教育方法論:(1)在研究目的上應以理解教育制度和詮釋教育事件為主;(2)在研究性質上應深入了解形成教育現況的質性研究;(3)在研究任務上可同時包括宏觀層面的社會-文化分析和微觀層面的共時性及歷時性教育問題分析。歷史取向的比較教育研究不僅可使比較教育擺脫以預測或政策導向的認識論取向,更可重建比較教育研究中長期被忽視的理解和詮釋研究取向。

關鍵詞:A. M. Kazamias;比較教育;方法論;歷史研究


This article explores Andreas M. Kazamias’s philosophy of comparative education and its reflection on comparative educational development. It also elaborates Kazamias’s proposition on comparative education and its significance on comparative education research. Kazamias, being a multi-identity intellectual scholar, is a comparative humanist historian of education, a leftist critical intellectual, and a critical humanist. Kazamias has written numerous scholarly books, monographs and articles in comparative education and the history of education. Because of his Greek ethnic background, and also because of the pervading Hellenic humanism in his research and writings, Kazamias is known as the Greek comparativist. By using the methods of “thoughts study,” this study found that the historical approach in comparative education is: (1) to deal with explanation and interpretation rather than prediction; (2) to use qualitative research to compare, explain and interpret historical phenomena; and (3) to examine both the macro-level of socio-cultural analysis and the micro-level synchronically and diachronically educational problems or issues in the same society.

Keywords: A. M. Kazamias; comparative education; methodology; historical study