1999.第6卷第1期(Vol. 6 No. 1).pp. 734
Internal Dialogue as an Underutilized Psychoeducational Resources: Hearing the Anticounselor
While most counseling theories acknowledge the vital importance of internal dialogue or how clients process information, there has been little attention to how that internal dialogue can become a resource in the counseling process. The article describes a conceptual model for utilizing internal dialogue through a Triad Training Model that matches a coached client with a procounselor and anticounselor in a three-person team to articulate the client' positive and negative internal dialogue when matched with a culturally different counselor in a role-played interview. Culture is defined broadly to include demographic, status and affiliation variables as well as ethnographic characteristics. The advantages of a counselor trainee receiving immediate and continuous positive as well as negative feedback from a procounselor and anticounselor are discussed.
大部分輔導理論同意內部對話(internal dialogue)或來訪者處理訊息之方法是十分重要的,但卻很少人注意到內部對話可以成為輔導過程的資源。本論文描述一個運用內部對話的「三人訓練模式」(Triad Training Model)。三人訓練模式用角色扮演方法,由來訪者、親輔導員和反輔導員組成訓練小組,藉此幫助輔導員在面談中能明確了解並表達出文化背景不同的來訪者的內部對話。本文用一個闊面的定義界定「文化」一詞。文化包括個人背景特徵、社會地位、群聚性等變量以及民族特性。本文亦會討論受訓輔導員從親輔導員和反輔導員的回應中能夠獲得的幫助。