
School Guidance and Counseling in an International Context: A Reaction Paper

2008.第15卷第2期(Vol. 15 No. 2).pp. 207–228

School Guidance and Counseling in an International Context: A Reaction Paper


Patrick S. Y. LAU & Suk-Chun FUNG(劉兆瑛、馮淑珍)


This article discusses three articles on the development of school guidance and counseling in an international context. The development of school guidance work as well as issues that arose in two Asian countries, Japan and South Korea, are presented by Yagi (2008) and Lee and Yang (2008) whereas Gysbers (2008) presents the rationale, practice, and results of the implementation of individual student planning in the United States. An overview of the articles suggests that there is continuous development in the positive, strength-based approach to school counseling in place of the traditional deficit and remedial approach. The issue of resources which include human resources, financial resources, and political resources (Gysbers & Henderson, 2006) is also discussed because of its importance and relevance to the development of school guidance and counseling in recent decades.


本文討論了三篇有關學校輔導與諮商工作在不同國家的發展狀況的文章。Yagi(2008)與Lee & Yang(2008)分別指出兩個亞洲國家(日本和南韓)學校諮商工作和有關課題的發展,而Gysbers(2008)則發表了在美國實施「學生生涯規劃」的理念、實際運作方式和成效。綜覽各篇文章,我們發現學校輔導與諮商工作正從傳統的虧缺與治療模式持續向正面的、以能力為基礎的模式發展。此外,基於近數十年學校輔導與諮商的發展情況,可見資源是十分重要的問題,故此本文對人力資源、經濟資源和政策資源(Gysbers & Henderson, 2006)的課題亦有作出討論。