Education Journal


2022.第50卷第1期(Vol. 50 No. 1).pp. 109–132



Implementing Dialogic Reading Instruction to Improve the Language Ability for Children with Developmental Delays in Inclusive Classes

莊淯茵、朱思穎、孔淑萱(Yu-Yin CHUANG, Szu-Yin CHU, & Shu-Hsuan KUNG)


本研究目的在探討對話式閱讀(dialogic reading, DR)教學對於提升發展遲緩幼兒語言表達和語言理解的成效。研究對象為三名安置於普通班的發展遲緩幼兒,採單一受試法的多重處理設計(A-B-C-B-C-M),於十週介入期裏交互進行每周兩次、每次30分鐘的一般閱讀教學和對話式閱讀教學活動。研究於前、中、後期運用「華語兒童理解與表達詞彙測驗」和「個別化教育計畫語言領域檢核表」檢視幼兒語言能力的變化,並訪談幼兒班級教師和家長,了解在不同情境當中語言能力的表現,以作社會效度檢核的依據。研究發現如下:(1)DR教學能促進發展遲緩幼兒語言表現的成長;(2)DR教學對發展遲緩幼兒於整體語言表現中,具有即時成效和保留成效,但維持成效不穩定;(3)在跨情境的環境中,發展遲緩幼兒會因環境因素、注意力、氣質等因素影響,對於DR教學介入有不同的教學反應。最後依據研究結論,對實務和未來研究提出相關建議。



This study examined whether and to what extent dialogic reading (DR) can improve the language expression and comprehension abilities of children with developmental delays through a single-subject A-B-C-B-C-M multiple-treatment design. The effects of DR were evaluated based on the participants’ results on the Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test (REVT) and the language assessment checklist of the Individualized Education Program. The participants’ performance was evaluated in terms of percentile change in REVT scores and through visual analysis. The results were strengthened by conducting interviews with the participants’ parents and teachers — a form of social validity — regarding changes in the participants’ language expression and comprehension abilities after the intervention. The findings are as follows: (1) DR improved the language performance of children with developmental delays; (2) the effects of DR were both immediate and sustained but not long-lasting; and (3) differences in environment, attention span, and temperament among the children affected performance. This article also provided suggestions on practice and future research.

Keywords: dialogic reading; developmental delay; language expression