2022.第50卷第1期(Vol. 50 No. 1).pp. 133–158
A Study of Using Sensing Game Mobile Learning System for Improving Coastal Ecological Learning
區國良、曾郁庭、徐俊煜(Kuo-Liang OU, Yu-Ting ZENG, & Jyun-Yu SYU)
本研究旨在探討體感式遊戲行動學習系統對學習成就和生態旅遊態度的影響,設計了6套具教學意義的體感式遊戲(sensing game),結合智慧型手機以簡單手勢動作取代傳統按鍵操控的互動模式進行學習。本研究採準實驗研究設計,隨機選取新竹市某公立大學大學部30名學生為樣本,按前測成績將30名實驗者作異質分組,以6人為1組共5組,於新竹市17公里海岸線地區進行海洋生態學習。研究結果顯示,學生對於海岸生態相關知識原有許多不解和迷思,經由學習系統進行教學後,成績有顯著的進步,有助學生學習海岸生態知識。從生態旅遊問卷分析可以得知,藉由學習系統亦能夠引起學生觀察和探索海岸生態的興趣。
With the rapid development of information technologies, which are widely used in science and education, mobile-based learning becomes the major trend of teaching and learning strategies for improving the quality of education. This study employed smart phones of Android platform, built-in 4G wireless networks, global satellite positioning system, and G-Sensor technology for constructing the motion sensing online game-based learning environment. Six sensing games with the impact meaning of environmental protection were proposed for students’ context-aware exploring and learning. A total of 30 students participated this experiment. They were arranged into 5 heterogeneous groups and explored the “Hsinchu coast of seventeen kilometers” with mobile devices. Each motion-sensing game was triggered by student’s gestures. Each game required students to cooperate with group members for learning the major knowledge and relation between these environmental protection issues. Results indicated that performance and motivation of learning were both improved. Furthermore, learners were immersed in the motion-sensing games and learnt the knowledge and impact between each environmental protection issue.
Keywords: sensing game; mobile learning; cooperative learning; coastal ecosystems