2021.第49卷第2期(Vol. 49 No. 2).pp. 191–215
The Impacts of Principal’s Transformational Leadership and Environmental Obstacles on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction: The Mediation of Professional Learning Community
Tzu-Huang HUANG, Shueh-Chin TING, & Bo-Ching CHEN(黃詞凰、丁學勤、陳柏青)
Previous studies have indicated that conditions of teaching environment and principal’s leadership are associated with teachers’ job satisfaction (TJS). Moreover, in recent years, in order to promote teaching professional development, teachers’ professional learning communities (PLC) have been established one after another. In view of the fact that TJS is influential to teaching quality, the study aimed to construct a model to explore how environmental obstacles (EO), principal’s transformational leadership (PTL) and PLC influenced TJS. In the study, the data of PISA 2015 (Programme for International Student Assessment 2015) involving 2,436 senior high school teachers in Taiwan were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling (SEM) and model stability. Results showed that: (a) EO had a negative significant impact on PLC and TJS; (b) PTL had a positive significant impact on PLC and TJS; (c) PLC had a positive significant impact on TJS; (d) the mediating effect of PLC on the influence of EO to TJS was not statistically significant; (e) PLC was proven to positively mediate the influence of PTL to TJS. Based on the results, implications for research and practice were further discussed.
Keywords: principal leadership; educational resource; teachers’ job satisfaction; professional learning community; PISA
過往研究顯示教學環境和校長領導與教師工作滿意度有關聯。再者,近年為促進教師專業發展,教師專業學習社群相繼成立。鑑於提升教師工作滿意度對增進教學品質有很大助益,本研究從環境因素、校長轉型領導和教師專業學習社群來建構三者影響教師工作滿意度的模型。本研究以2015年「國際學生能力評量計畫」(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)中2,436名台灣高中教師為樣本,並使用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)及模型穩定性(model stability)分析進行驗證。研究獲致以下結論:(1)「環境阻礙」會負向影響「教師專業學習社群」與「教師工作滿意度」;(2)「校長轉型領導」會正向影響「教師專業學習社群」與「教師工作滿意度」;(3)「教師專業學習社群」會正向影響「教師工作滿意度」;(4)關於「環境阻礙」透過「教師專業學習社群」影響「教師工作滿意度」,沒有發現統計上的顯著差異;(5)「校長轉型領導」會透過「教師專業學習社群」中介影響「教師工作滿意度」。最後,本文依研究成果提出研究和實務建議。