2021.第49卷第2期(Vol. 49 No. 2).pp. 161–190
Negotiating, (Re)forming, and Creating Identity: An Observation of Students at a Taiwanese Overseas School in China
Ken-Zen CHEN & Chien-Hua WU(陳鏗任、吳建華)
This article describes how Taiwanese children studying in a Taiwanese overseas school in China negotiated, (re)formed, and created their identities. As 1.5- and 2nd-generation migrants, those Taiwanese students accommodated, connected, reconnected, and made sense of their border-crossing living and learning experiences between Taiwan and China. A total of 21 students, 1 parent, and 7 faculty participated in this study. They expressed multiple identities with regard to rational and instrumental purposes. Their inner self-identities were deeply rooted by the affective belongingness of Taiwan and diaspora experience of living in China. Students remixed various elements from their cross-strait and cross-cultural living experiences into their own identity (re)formation process. Their practical wisdoms about identity not only differed from their elder Taiwanese businesspersons, but also shed light on theoretical discussions of identity.
Keywords: Taiwanese businesspersons’ children; transmigrants; identity; overseas schools