Education Journal


2021.第49卷第2期(Vol. 49 No. 2).pp. 71–95



The Meta-analysis of Block-based Programming on Students’ Learning Outcomes

邱仁一、崔夢萍(Jen-I CHIU & Mengping TSUEI)


近年來積木式程式語言廣泛運用於各教育階段資訊課程,提供學習者導入程式語言學習的環境。本研究以後設分析法探討積木式程式設計教學對不同教育階段學生學習成效的影響,包含程式設計能力、問題解決、運算思維和學習動機,並探討影響學習成效的變項。本研究透過系統化文獻資料蒐集和篩選,針對2003至2021年37篇已發表的文獻共5,430名樣本進行分析。研究結果顯示積木式程式設計教學的整體效果量為中效果量(0.33),在程式設計能力、問題解決、運算思維和學習動機上皆有正向效果,支持積木式程式設計對學生學習有效。再者,程式設計能力受「教學時間」、「專案類型」和「研究地區」調節變項作用而有差異:問題解決能力受「專案類型」調節;運算思維受「研究地區」調節;學習動機則受「實驗人數」、「積木式程式設計環境」、「專案類型」、「研究地區」調節。本研究結果可作不同教育 階段運用積木式程式語言教學的參考。



Block-based programming is receiving attention in different educational stages. It provides learners with the access to introductory computer science courses. This meta-analysis study aimed to examine the effects of block-based programming, comparing to traditional instruction, on students’ learning outcomes, including programming skills, problem-solving skills, computational thinking, and learning motivation. Database search yielded 37 publications with 5,430 samples. Results indicated that block-based programming had a significantly larger effect size than did traditional instruction for overall learning outcomes (0.33). More specifically, we found positive effect sizes for programming skills, problem-solving skills, computational thinking, and learning motivation. These study findings indicated the benefits of block-based programming education for students’ learning outcomes. “Study duration,” “project types,” and “research areas” as moderator variables had statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in students’ programming skill. “Project types” had statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in problem-solving skills. “Research areas” had statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in computational thinking skills. Moreover, “sample size,” “block-based programming languages,” “research areas,” and “project types” had also statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in students’ learning motivation. The findings helped teachers implement block-based programming instruction for facilitating students’ learning outcomes for students in different education stages.

Keywords: programming; meta-analysis; block-based programming; leaning outcomes