2021.第49卷第1期(Vol. 49 No. 1).pp. 187–209
Investigating the Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Process on Juvenile Deviant Behaviors: Examination and Revision of Dual System Theory
吳中勤(Chung-Chin WU)
This study incorporated socio-psychological theory and decision-making theory to examine dual system theory from the viewpoints of social cognition and emotion. The main purpose of this study was to establish an emotion scale of juvenile deviant behaviors and provide evidence of reliability and validity as a basis for examining dual system theory. The participants were 5,079 eighth grader. The study adopted structural equation modeling to test the reliability and validity of the scale, and to examine the covariation and structural relationships among variables. Results showed that: (a) the emotion scale of juvenile deviant behaviors had good reliability and validity; (b) dual system theory should be extended as triple system theory, including cognition facilitator, emotional facilitator, and cognition inhibitor; (c) when cognition inhibitor was unable to offset the driving forces of cognition and emotional facilitators, it would cause juvenile deviant behaviors; (d) avoiding negative life events and negative emotion were the most influential factors of juvenile deviant behaviors. According to the results, suggestions for future research and practices were proposed.
Keywords: dual system theory; general strain theory; juvenile deviant behavior; social control theory; social learning theory