Education Journal


2021.第49卷第1期(Vol. 49 No. 1).pp. 73–95



A Study on the Impact of Elementary School Teachers’ Accountability Leadership on Students’ Academic Optimism: Teachers’ Professional Learning Community as the Mediating Variable

張文權、范熾文(Wen-Chuan CHANG & Chih-Wen FAN)





This study aimed to explore the relationship among elementary school teachers’ accountability leadership, teachers’ professional learning community, and students’ academic optimism in Taiwan. It investigated 533 elementary school teachers to analyze the direct effects of teachers’ accountability leadership and teachers’ professional learning community on students’ academic optimism, and the mediating effect of teachers’ accountability leadership on students’ academic optimism through teachers’ professional learning community. This study adopted statistical methods such as correlation analysis and structural equation modeling. Results showed that the current situations of teachers’ accountability leadership, teachers’ professional learning community and students’ academic optimism are positive. Significantly positive correlations among them were found. Teachers’ accountability leadership and teachers’ professional learning community directly influenced students’ academic optimism; teachers’ accountability leadership indirectly influenced students’ academic optimism through teachers’ professional learning community. This study suggests that teachers should apply accountability leadership, enhance teachers’ professional learning community, and further upgrade students’ academic optimism.

Keywords: teachers’ accountability leadership; teachers’ professional learning community; students’ academic optimism