論文及座談會 | 題目 |
A1-1 | A Study on the Introduction of Taiwan’s Vocational High School Evaluation into Accreditation System |
A1-2 | “Education Is a Game of Wasting Time”: Student Views on the Education System and Academic Stress in Hong Kong |
A1-3 | Factors That Affect In-service Teachers’ Learning on Online Distance In-service Teacher Training: Learning Approaches, Learning Outcomes |
A1-4 | Study on Teaching Practice of Public School Teachers Who Have Qualified as Teachers of Waldorf |
A2-1 | Lifelong Learning: Understanding the Attributes of a Lifelong Learner |
A2-2 | A Mixed-method Study of the Socio-cultural Adaptation of International Students in Hong Kong Universities |
A2-3 | Difficulties and Factors of International Students in College Adjustment to Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong |
A2-4 | “This Type of Feedback Is Biased Toward Chinese People”: Beginning Doctoral Students’ Ambivalence in the Feedback-Revision Process from a Second Language Socialization Perspective |
A3-1 | Diversity, Inclusivity, and Citizenship in Kazakhstan: Textbook Analysis |
A3-2 | Integration of Minorities in Hong Kong: A Conceptual Framework |
A3-3 | Is Ethnic Retention or Reactive Ethnicity Related to Deprived Educational Aspiration? Migrant Youth in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden |
A3-4 | How Does Friendship Influence the Adaptation of Mainland China Higher Education Students Studying in Hong Kong |
A4-1 | From Good to Great: Designing High-quality Authentic Assessment Tasks to Enhance Science Teaching and Learning |
A4-2 | The Potential of School Entry Examinations for Impact Analyses: Reassessing Children’s Learning Environment |
A4-3 | When East Meets West: Understanding Learning Diversity Among Diverse Student Populations in a Hong Kong University |
A4-4 | A Critical Inquiry into Hong Kong Higher-achieving Students’ Views on Native-speakerism in English Language Learning |
A5-1 | 從教育公平觀點看臺灣公立幼兒園招收不利條件幼兒優先入園政策 |
A5-2 | 臺灣非學校型態實驗教育學生學習現況調查研究 |
A5-3 | 提升薄弱學校效能 促進教育優質公平 |
A6-1 | 臺灣高等教育深耕計畫之推動與現況分析 |
A6-2 | 臺灣之大學入學考試與招生新制度,教育機會是更均等,還是更不均? ── 以學習歷程檔案為例,探究高中端教師之思慮歷程 |
A6-3 | 臺灣在家教育的行政支持評估:以新竹縣為研究案例 |
A6-4 | 有教無類還是分流淘汰:博士生中期考核機制形成及實施效果研究 |
A7-1 | 國民小學正向教育、教師幸福感與學校效能關係之研究 |
A7-2 | 國小校長正念領導對幸福感影響之研究:以情緒智慧為中介變項 |
A7-3 | 校長正向領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之相關研究 |
A7-4 | 正向教育在國民小學教學應用之研究 |
A8-1 | 兩岸高中教師領導之比較研究 |
A8-2 | 國小職前教師開發與試行數學桌遊之研究 |
A8-3 | 從Parker Palmer視角看香港地區大專中文教師信念的發展和轉變 |
A8-4 | 從讀寫素養試析臺灣國語文寫作能力測驗命題設計 |
B1-1 | Gender Analysis of Handcrafted Course in Junior High School Students: A Case Study in a Classroom |
B1-2 | Vocationalization of Secondary Education and Its Relations With Career and Life Planning Education: A Case in Hong Kong |
B1-3 | Liang Shuming’s Synthesis of John Dewey’s Pragmatism and Confucian Idea in Chinese Rural Education |
B1-4 | The Changing Debate on the Challenges of Higher Education in the 21st Century |
B2-1 | Preliminary Findings on Hong Kong’s Teacher Perception of National Identity and National Education |
B2-2 | The Role of Civic Education in Developing a Sense of National Identity: Action Research in a Hong Kong Secondary School |
B2-3 | National Identity and the Music Curriculum: An Exploratory Case Study of the Construction of National Identity in Hong Kong’s Primary Schools |
B2-4 | Student Learning and Engagement: Student Voices from the Common Core Curriculum |
B3-1 | Student Assessment Experience and Academic Achievement in Higher Education: The Mediating Effect of Self-regulation |
B3-2 | “What I Find Important (in My Mathematics Learning)”: Hong Kong Students’ Espoused Values |
B3-3 | Examining the Impact of the ABRACADABRA (ABRA) Web-based Literacy Program on Primary School Students in Hong Kong: Year 2 Results |
B3-4 | Examining the Impact of the ABRACADABRA (ABRA) Web-based Literacy Program on Primary School Students in Rural Hunan, China |
B4-1 | Do Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Improve Educational Outcomes? Evidence for Spain in PISA 2015 |
B4-2 | Effects of 3D Printing on Aesthetic Education Activities |
B4-3 | Learning Enhancement in Engineering: Simulation and Experimentation in Complex System |
B5-1 | Ethnic Minority Students’ Perceptions of Discrimination in Hong Kong: A Qualitative Study |
B5-2 | Per Aspera Ad Astra: Navigating into Prospective Futures by Hong Kong and Kazakhstani Disadvantaged Youth Through the Aspirational Maps |
B5-3 | Language, Pedagogy, and Discourses of Criticality in Late Capitalism |
B6-1 | 以R軟體實踐學生學習成果e-Rubric同儕互評質性回饋的自動化閱讀和評價之研究 |
B6-2 | 技術型高中校長對STEM教學影響之研究 |
B6-3 | 虛擬實境融入實地教學對特色學校學習效益之研究 |
B7-1 | 國小校長空間美學領導個案之研究 ── 以老舊教室改建為例 |
B7-2 | 從ISSPP國際卓越校長領導計畫剖析初任校長之領導實踐 |
B7-3 | 校長玩興指標建構 |
B7-4 | 從人境適配觀點探討教師教學設計想像力的預測模型 |
B8-1 | 教會學校的身分重塑:以民國時期廣州培正中學的國民教育實踐為中心 |
B8-2 | 探討課堂討論實踐溝通理性的現況與障礙:通識教育課的個案研習 |
B8-3 | 再思開放式討論對學生道德觀的影響:從學生學習經驗看 |
C1-1 | The Challenging Context of Education: Four Fundamental Principles to a Better Understanding of Education |
C1-2 | Reducing Social Inequality on the Level of School Organization |
C1-3 | Implementation of the Whole-School Approach to Career Guidance at the Subject Level: The Case of the English Language Subject |
C2-1 | Support Structures and Services for Internationally Mobile Students in Higher Education |
C2-2 | Studying Abroad: The Appraisal of Gains and Challenges by International Students |
C2-3 | Understanding Chinese Nautical Students’ Decision-making Towards Overseas Tertiary Education Integrated With Confucius Value and Cross-border Learning |
C2-4 | Balancing Equity, Accessibility and Learner Diversity in Massive Open Online Courses |
C3-1 | Code-switching as an Agent for EM Students’ Bilingual Development in a CSL Writing Classroom |
C3-2 | University Student Satisfaction of Chinese Students Living Abroad — Take the Case in Valencia, Spain for Example |
C3-3 | Assessing University Students’ Intercultural Competence in a Culturally Diverse Learning Environment |
C3-4 | Post-school Transition Options for SEN Students: A Comparative Perspective Between Parents of SEN Students in Special Schools and Those in Mainstream Schools |
C4-1 | Lesson Learnt from Teacher Preparation in South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong |
C4-2 | Inclusion Emotion Regulation into a Core Undergraduate Course: An Intervention Study |
C4-3 | Hong Kong Pre-service Kindergarten Teachers’ Approach to Handling Young Children’s Sexuality-related Behaviours and Its Correlates |
C4-4 | Teaching Experiences and Teacher Efficacy |
C5-1 | Nurturing Responsible Citizens: Pedagogical Practice in Teaching Ethical Reasoning |
C5-2 | The Evolution of Inequality in Thailand: Educational Policies Related to Equity, Access, and Diversity |
C5-3 | Limit of College Admission Support and New Challenge of Vocational Training as a Means of Solving Opportunity Disparities in Japan |
C5-4 | Impacts and Challenges of Government Intervention on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policies in Higher Education: Case Study of Future Energy Systems, Research Programme at University of Alberta, Canada |
C6-1 | 追尋教育正義的校訂課程之實踐:以臺灣花蓮地區前導學校為例 |
C6-2 | 信息技術如何影響學生素養? ── 基於城市、城鎮和農村的差異分析 |
C6-3 | 中國大陸城鄉學生高等教育入學機會差異原因探析 ── 基於X、Y兩所重點高校的調查 |
C6-4 | 不同後設認知策略融入圖像組織教學對國小學習障礙學生閱讀理解成效之研究 |
C7-1 | 領導原住民族另類學校之研究:理念、課程與教學 |
C7-2 | STEAM於醫學教育的實作:以藝術作為連結低風險醫療器材實作與醫學的課程發展經驗 |
C7-3 | 以行動學習載具介入導入國小課程之學童學習成效之分析探討 ── 以正確用藥單元為例 |
C8-1 | 臺灣國中生知覺家長支持、服務學習參與態度對其公民參與行為意向之影響 |
C8-2 | 通識教育中的價值追求 |
C8-3 | 高中學生對學生權利觀點之初探 |
D1-1 | Instruction on the English Tense System Through Systemic Theoretical Instruction and Cognitive Grammar: A Classroom-based Study in a Hong Kong Secondary School |
D1-2 | Assessing Learning Needs of Senior-year-places-admitted Students in Hong Kong |
D1-3 | Perceived Usefulness of Teacher Feedback, School Engagement, and Psychological Well-being of Chinese Students: The Self-system Processes Perspective |
D1-4 | Correlates of Hong Kong Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers’ Attitudes Towards and Confidence in Collaborating With Families |
D2-1 | Challenges and Achievements: Student Educational Experiences in Internationalization Baccalaureate Pilot Programmes at CCU Business School, China |
D2-2 | Why Do Public School Teachers Choose Waldorf Education for Their Own Children? A Qualitative Study |
D2-3 | The Bakery Loop for Tomorrow, the Work-based Education Strategy for Education Equality |
D2-4 | What Happens on the Other Side? Hong Kong Students in U.K. Residential Schools |
D3-1 | The Acculturation Experiences of Non-local University Students Through Their Intercultural Communication Intelligence in Hong Kong |
D3-2 | Who Are the Ethnic Minorities in International University Service-Learning? Reflections from a Hong Kong-Kenya University-Community Service-Learning Trip |
D3-3 | The Views of Primary Mathematics Teachers Towards Using Curriculum Adaptation to Cater for Students’ Diversity: A Case Study |
D3-4 | An Intercultural CSL Classroom for EM Learners’ Writing Competency |
D4-1 | Exploring Subject Leaders’ Instructional Leadership in Facilitating Teacher Professional Development Under Curriculum Reform |
D4-2 | A Study of the Meaning and Development of Teachers’ Career Calling |
D4-3 | A Pilot Study on Impact Evaluation of Professional Development Programme for In-service Teachers at an Australian Institution |
D4-4 | Performing to Teach in a Neo-liberal Era: A Reflection on English Language Education in HK Through the Lens of Critical Applied Drama |
D5-1 | Deregulation and Re-regulation of Taiwan’s Non-school Experimental Education — Taking Individual Experimental Education as an Example |
D5-2 | The Influence of Parental Cultural Capital and Support on Chinese Students’ Musical Instrument Learning |
D5-3 | Teacher Collaboration on Inquiry-based Approach for Self-regulation: A Mixed-methods Study |
D6-1 | 撥開〝迷霧〞:中職教師究竟有怎樣的教學觀?── 基於扎根理論的方法分析 |
D6-2 | 框架與階級複製 ── 一個偏鄉藝術教師的反思 |
D6-3 | 從美感覺知到生活實踐 ── 「比例」構面美感教育課程實踐與省思 |
D6-4 | 十二年國民基本教育課程實施成效之研究 |
D7-1 | 一位教師兼主任實施沉浸式族語進行在地文化課程的心路歷程 |
D7-2 | 從詮釋現象學觀點探討聽人父母在聾人子女的早期養育經驗 |
D7-3 | 臺灣偏鄉少數民族學童在文化融入數學活動中的學習:以鄒族為例 |
D7-4 | 臺灣原住民族文化回應數學教材之設計與實踐 ── 以阿里山鄒族為例 |
D8-1 | 「改得其所」── 透過檢核表自評及教師講評改善學生的寫作表現 |
D8-2 | 香港通識科評估政策的成效對推行STEM教育的啟示 |
D8-3 | 香港少數族裔小學生中文能力水平及發展追縱研究 |
S1 | What Do We Know About the Effects of Inclusive Education? An Integrative Perspective of Students and Teachers on Career Adaptability, Emotions, Self-concept, and Psychological Well-being |
S2 | The Role of Arts Education in the Age of Cultural Diversity: Challenges for Education Practice and Research |
S3 | Policy Discourse on Changing Student Demography and Changing Educational Policies from K–12 in Hong Kong: Outcomes and Dilemmas |
S4 | Language Games, Invisible Cloaks, and Power Struggles — The Backstage of Moralizing Society Through Equity and Integration in Education |
S5 | Early Intervention for Young Children with Developmental Needs |
S6 | Harnessing the Power of Feedback |
S7 | 體健美的學習共同體:身體與圖文閱讀共舞對話(畫)錄 |