Educational Research Journal

Basic Education and National Development: Current Issues and Strategies for China

1997.第12卷第2期(Vol. 12 No. 2).pp. 142–151

Basic Education and National Development: Current Issues and Strategies for China

Weifang MIN(閔維方)


This presentation is to discuss basic education and national development: the current issues and strategies for China. Basic education in this content is defined as the nine-year compulsory education as defined by the "Compulsory Education Law" adopted by China. The presentation is divided into four sections. The first section elaborates the point that basic education is the top priority among the national development policies. It is argued that basic education is the foundation for all dimensions of development. In today's new information age, the scientific and technological revolution, and the dramatic economic and social development, have made basic education even more important than before. We have to understand the role of basic education by taking into account the recent changes in the development process, which are dramatic, unprecedented, and significant, characterized by the information revolution, the economic transformation and the strong tendency of internationalization. The second section discusses the financial needs and the financing strategies for the nine-year compulsory education in China. The third section focuses on the key issues in improving the quality of teaching and learning in Chinese basic education; finally, the equity issue in the basic education of China is discussed in section four.

