2004.第19卷第1期(Vol. 19 No. 1).pp. 137160
Factors Contributing to the Success of Promoting an Online Reading Program
何萬貫(Man-Koon HO)
本研究以「每日一篇」網上閱讀計劃的讀者為研究對象,目的在於探討推展網上閱讀計劃成效顯著的因素,研究結果可供有意設計和開發優質網上教學計劃者參考。結果顯示,下列因素與推展網上閱讀計劃的效能有密切的關係:1. 網站穩定,操作簡單、容易。2. 教材難易度適中。3. 即時給予回饋,並肯定其努力。4. 學生可以自主學習。5. 老師和家長的鼓勵與支持。通過每天上網學習,學生漸漸養成了閱讀的習慣。習慣一旦養成,學生便會自主學習了。
The participants in our study are readers who take part in the "A Passage a Day" online reading program. We aim at finding out factors for the effectiveness of promoting an online reading program. The results of the study will be relevant for those who want to advocate or design quality online learning projects. It has been shown that the following factors are closely linked to the effectiveness of promoting an online reading program: 1. A stable and accessible website. 2. Suitable comprehensibility of learning materials. 3. Instant affirming feedback to acknowledge participants' effort. 4. Students' self-motivated learning. 5. Support and encouragement from teachers and parents. Through reading online on a daily basis, students gradually develop a reading habit.