Educational Research Journal


1988.第3卷(Vol. 3).pp. 30–36


The Motives and Reasons of Repeating in the Form 5 Certificate of Education Examination in Hong Kong

蕭炳基(Ping-Kee SIU)




This study investigated the academic expectation and attitude of Form V repeaters. Fifty two teachers coming from different schools and studying in the 1986/7 Dip. Ed. program in the School of Education, CUHK were requested to administer the questionnaire to their Form V students. A subsample of 198 repeaters were randomly chosen from the whole sample and a matched sample 198 Form V students was determined on the criteria of sex and school type. The questionnaire enquired about (1) The grades obtained from the HK Certificate of Examination for the previous year (repeaters only) and those repeated for the coming year, (2) reasons for repeating, (3) academic atmosphere and support from family, (4) attributional tendency, (5) study attitude and (6) test anxiety. The study was a factorial design with student status (Form V vs. repeater) and expected exam result (average C+ as high vs. C or below as low scorers) as between-subjects factors. The analysis results indicated (1) the repeaters expected on the average to achieve 1.6 grade mark over what they had attained. A majority of this group obtained E or F at the exam for the previous year, (2) repeaters going for higher learning as reasons for repeating were significantly better than those aiming at reaching E or better grades for 5 subjects as their reasons, (3) better family atmosphere and support were felt by high scorers over low scorers, and by Form V students over repeaters, (4) difference in study attitude and text anxiety was found only between high and low scorers, and (5) high-scoring Form V students attributed their success to ability and effort while the low-scorers attributed their failure also to their internal factors.