Educational Research Journal

A Preliminary Study on the Impact of IT on Curriculum with Reference to the Primary Mathematics Curriculum in Hong Kong

2001.第16卷第1期(Vol. 16 No. 1).pp. 69–98

A Preliminary Study on the Impact of IT on Curriculum with Reference to the Primary Mathematics Curriculum in Hong Kong

Hok-Chun KOO(古學俊)


This paper begins with a discussion about the nature of curriculum in the new century with special reference to the implementation of IT in education. The benefits of IT in education are presented with relevant research findings. Next, the development of the school curriculum and the primary mathematics curriculum in Hong Kong are described. It is worth noting that due emphasis is laid on the development of higher order thinking skills in the curriculum, which is a major concern of the present research. This paper reports the first-stage findings of the research based on a questionnaire survey targeted at 276 schools, 100 school heads and 180 mathematics panel heads. The questionnaire seeks view on possible benefits of IT in education, its impact on the school curriculum and the teacher and mathematics teaching. Based on the results of the study, several recommendations are made for the implementation of IT in education.

Keywords: information technology; school curriculum; primary mathematics curriculum

