Education Journal
1989 - 第17卷第1期(Vol. 17 No. 1)
3 | 歸因論與教育 潘詠棠 |
摘要 abstract |
11 | 如何在歸因研究中量度成功及失敗的原因 侯傑泰 |
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17 | Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Somatic Scale in Hong Kong Secondary School Students Daniel T. L. SHEK & Wai-Kwong MAK |
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29 | 中國語文科範文內的昔日中國形象 溫婉明 |
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37 | Decades of Educational Expansion, the Expansion of a Dual System: The Case of Japan and Hong Kong Wing-On LEE |
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51 | 中文輸入法:廣東拼音法和基本筆劃法的比較 譚英隆、鍾財文 |
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59 | Expert-Novice Difference in the Solving of a Basic Problem in Chemistry Rex M. HEYWORTH |
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73 | 解難研究在物理教學上的一些應用 杜秉祺 |
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79 | Effects of Language Features, Templates, and Procedural Skills on Problem-solving in Programming Siu-Cheung KONG & Choi-Man CHUNG |
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89 | Philosophy of Kindergarten Education Marlow EDIGER |
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95 | 「以學校為本位的課程發展」計劃的探究 黃顯華 |
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