Education Journal
1997 - 第25卷第1期(Vol. 25 No. 1)
1 | 學校危機的理念和管理:多元觀點的分析 鄭燕祥、伍國雄 |
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25 | 香港學校的管理改革:問責制度的重整 彭新強 |
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45 | 應用結構方程模式之問題和謬誤 江哲光、侯傑泰 |
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63 | 學業自我概念:結構、機制及與學習成績的關係 李曉東 |
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81 | Functions of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA): A Hong Kong Perspective I-Wah PANG |
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107 | Family Relationship, Self-Concept, and Delinquent Behavior Among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong Kit-Ling LAU & David W. CHAN |
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133 | Parents' Attitude Towards Extracurricular Activities Chi-Chung LAM & Ngai-Ying WONG |
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149 | Book ReviewSchool-Based Management as School Reform: Taking Stock Esther Sui-Chu HO |