Educational Research Journal
1988 - 第3卷(Vol. 3)
1 | Evaluating and Encouraging Teacher Effectiveness Linda DARLING-HAMMOND with Lisa HUDSON |
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13 | The Solo Taxonomy: A Model for Curriculum Development and Criterion-Based Assessment J. B. BIGGS |
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23 | Knowledge Structures Where Can We Find Them? Nancy LAW |
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30 | 香港中五重讀生之重讀原因期望和動機 蕭炳基 |
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37 | HKCEE Results as Predictors of HKALE Results Hing-Chung LAW |
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43 | A New Secondary Examination in the United Kingdom Keith SELKIRK |
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49 | 港美兒童視覺助動能力發展之比較 劉鄧靜宜、李勵勉 |
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54 | 港穗兩地中學教師對「好教師」的觀感 盧林發、蕭麗萍 |
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61 | Preschool Maths Development in Hong Kong Children Sylvia OPPER |
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66 | Instructional Routine Analysis in the Teaching of Economics Teresa Lai-Ping SIU & Ping-Kee SIU |
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75 | Ethnographic Evaluation of the Educational Planning Process: Experience of Two Case Studies in Mainland China Kai-Ming CHENG |
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83 | 教會學校對辦學目標理解的研究 吳梓明 |
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87 | 從不同類型的辦學團體探討香港中學的一些現象 賀國強、周昇 |
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94 | 權利與教育效果 葉保強 |
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98 | Compositional Data Analysis of Activities in a Typical Lesson Shirley Y. COLEMAN & Sue LEE |
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104 | The Effect of Vocabulary, Item Length and Sentence Structure on the Performance of MC Tests in English Medium M. FALVEY, Se-Yuen MAK & Ping-Kee SIU |
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