APEC Study Centres Consortium Conference 2017

APEC 2nd Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-2) APEC Study Centre, CUHK participated in APEC 2nd Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-2) and related meetings held in Hanoi, Vietnam from 10th – 13th May 2017 and presented in 2 sessions. Workshop on SMEs’ Integration into Global Value Chains in Services Industries Under the chair of the Ministry of IndustryContinue reading “APEC Study Centres Consortium Conference 2017”

Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society

The Econometric Society is an international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics. The society is holding meeting around the worlds to provide a platform for scholars to share their fruits of research and exchange ideas with outstanding scholars. This year, the Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society 2017 was hostedContinue reading “Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society”