Professor PAN Jiayi
Institute of Space and Earth Information Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong




Ph.D., Physical Oceanography and Marine Remote Sensing, The Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science, Qingdao, China


M.S., Optics and Remote Sensing, The Institute of Optics and Fine Machine of Anhui, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China


B.S., Applied Physics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China.

Position held


Associate Professor, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese Univerisity of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong


Senior Research Associate, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon,


Associate Research Scientist, Department of Environmental and Biomolecular Systems, OGI School of Science and Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon


Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Marine Science, University of Southern Mississippi, Stennis Space Center, MS


Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for Remote Sensing, Graduate College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware


Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Marine Remote Sensing Division, First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration (SOA), Qingdao, China



Research Interests

- Coastal Ocean Dynamics
- Satellite Oceanography
- Marine Remote Sensing Physics
- Ocean Numerical Modelling
- Air-Sea Interaction
- Ocean Surface and Internal Waves


Selected Publication

1.       Pan, J., D. A. Jay, and H. Lin, Determining azimuthal variations in frontal Froude number from SAR imagery, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L15601, doi:10.1029/2009GL039068, 2009.

2.       Pan, J., and D. A. Jay, Effects of ambient velocity shear on nonlinear internal wave associated mixing at the Columbia River plume front, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C00B07, doi:10.1029/2008JC004988, 2009.

3.       Pan, J., and D. A. Jay, Dynamic characteristics and horizontal transports of internal solitons generated at the Columbia River plume front, Continental Shelf Research, 29, 252-262, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2008.01.002, 2009.

4.       Pan, J. and D. A. Jay, A method for Triaxus ADCP velocity data processing, Journal of Atmospheric. Oceanographic Technology, 25, 1710–1716, doi: 10.1175/2008JTECHO534.1, 2008.

5.       Pan, J., D. A. Jay, and P. M. Orton, Analyses of internal solitary waves generated at the Columbia River plume front using SAR imagery, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C07014, doi:10.1029/2006JC003688, 2007.

6.       Pan, J., D. W. Wang, and P. A. Hwang, A study of wave effects on wind stress over the ocean in a fetch-limited case, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, C02020, doi: 10. 1029/2003JC002258, 2005.

7.       Pan, J., X.-H. Yan, Y. H. Jo, Q. Zheng, and W. T. Liu, A new method for estimation of the sensible heat flux under unstable conditions using satellite vector winds, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34, 968-977, 2004.

8.       Pan, J., X.-H. Yan, Q. Zheng and W. T. Liu, Interpretation of satellite ocean surface wind vector EOFs in the Northwest Pacific, Remote Sensing of Environment, 84, 53-68, 2003.

9.       Pan, J., X.-H. Yan, Q. Zheng and W. T. Liu, Observation of the Western Boundary Current Atmospheric Convergence Zones Using Scatterometer Winds, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 2832, doi:10.1029/2002GL015015, 2002.

10.   Pan, J., X.-H. Yan, Q. Zheng and W. T. Liu, Vector Empirical Orthogonal Function Modes of the Satellite Scatterometer winds, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 3951-3954, 2001

11.   Pan, J., X.-H. Yan, Q. Zheng and W. T. Liu, Scatterometers observe the variation of the Walker Circulation, Eos Transaction AGU, 82, 536-537, 2001.

12.   Pan, J., Y. Yuan and Q. Zheng, Analysis of sea surface height variability in the Kuroshio current region by using Geosat altimeter data, Acta Oceanologia Sinia, 18, 177-189, 1999.

13.   Pan, J., J. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Yuan, and Q. Zheng, Calculation of geoid undulation and gravity anomalies in the Northwest Pacific by using the Topex/Poseidon altimeter data, Acta Oceanologia Sinica,18, 523-533, 1999.

14.   Pan, J., Y. Yuan and Q. Zheng, Observation of the low-frequency variability of the Kuroshio Current region by using Geosat altimeter data, I. SSH anomalies and its comparison with tidal gauge sea level, Acta Oceanologia Sinica, 19, 41-50, 1997. (in Chinese)

15.   Pan, J., Y. Yuan and Q. Zheng, Observation of the low-frequency variability of the Kuroshio Current region by using Geosat altimeter data, II. Seasonal and interannual cycles, Acta Oceanologia Sinica, 19, 51-62, 1997. (in Chinese)

16.   Pan, J., Y. Yuan, Q. Zheng, and Y. Yu, Altimeter data processing methods and their applications on oceanographic studies, Oceanologia et Limnlogia Sinica28, Suppl., 205-211, 1997. (in Chinese)

17.   Pan, J., Y. Yuan, Q. Zheng, and J. Jiang, Observation of characteristics of the sea wave using an airborne altimeter, Oceanologia et Limnlogia Sinica, 27, 598-603, 1996. (in Chinese)

18.   Pan, J., P. Wu and Y. Yuan, The effect of the orbit error on the application satellite altimeter to dynamical variability studies, Acta Oceanologia Sinica, 19, 47-55, 1997. (in Chinese)

19.   Pan, J., Y. Yuan and Q. Zheng, Calculation of the Geoid undulation in the East China Sea by using the Geosat altimeter, Acta Oceanologia Sinica, 17, 28-57, 1995. (in Chinese)


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