

Geographical reasoning is an important way of thinking about the world and its inhabitants, but our abilities in spatial thinking and reasoning are still quite primitive and require extensive exploration. Geographic knowledge is the product of geographic thinking and reasoning about the world’s natural and human phenomena, but it has now evolved from the phenomenological to the intellectual, from understanding “what” and “where” to “why” and “how”. This is initiating a change from an emphasis on geographic form to an emphasis on geographic process.

To date, geographic modelling and simulation is now regarded as a fundamental approach to geographic process mining and complex geographic problem solving and has led to many cutting-edge geographical analysis tools, such as those involving in working with Virtual Geographic Environments (VGEs). VGEs offer a new generation of geographic analysis tool based on new types of web- and computer- based geographic environments which are built for understanding geographic processes and problem solving. Besides new kinds of databases and new forms of ‘big’ data, other core geo-process models have demonstrated the increasing importance of building of VGEs, with model sharing and model integration as its key issues.

To bridge the gap between model building and the design of geographic analysis tools, this conference aims at providing facilitation and communication between experts from multidisciplinary domains so that they are able to discuss several issues about how to make full use of geo-process models for geographic knowledge discovery.


  • Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London


  • National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA) at Buffalo, University at Buffalo
  • State Key Lab for Resource and Environment Information Systems (LREIS), Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • State Key Lab of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University
  • Key Lab of Virtual Geographic Environment (VGEKL), Ministry of Education of PRC, Nanjing Normal University
  • Key Lab of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research (PYL), Ministry of Education of PRC, Jiangxi Normal University
  • Spatial Information Research Centre of Fujian (SIRC), Fuzhou University

Supporting Organizer

  • Office of CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia, Institute of Environment Energy and Sustainability, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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