香港中文大學專業進修學院 (CUSCS) 為慶祝55周年,精心炮製以「服務社區 - 健康身心靈」為主題的一系列特輯。學院一直以創新理念及優質課程,積極回應社會對終身學習不斷轉化的需求,以配合香港及全球急促多變的步伐,貫徹履行對社會的承諾與責任。
本特輯以訪談形式進行。學院院長陳寶安博士 Dr. Ella Chan 及助理院長麥敬堂博士 Dr. Vaughan Mak 與嘉賓專家(包括教授、醫生及科學家等) 作深入淺出的輕鬆訪談,從預防角度,生活化地探討相關課題。每一系列共分四個約15分鐘的小環節,並加上「身心靈加油站」及「Let's Connect留言專區」讓大家不單可以簡明扼要地獲到更多準確而實用的健康常識及資訊,更可以一起積極終身學習,實踐身、心、靈的健康生活。
To celebrate our 55th anniversary, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS) is proud to present the Health and Well-Being Series, a sincere offering on our part to bring to life the theme for our anniversary this year – to "Serve the Community". Indeed, in persisting with innovative and high-quality courses and programmes, CUSCS has always been playing a key role in addressing the evolving needs of lifelong learning, both to help the community keep up with daily life changes, and to fulfill our commitments and responsibilities to Hong Kong society.
In the midst of global stress and uncertainty, CUSCS has solicited support from different like-minded professionals to work together to produce this beautiful special Series. It is our firm conviction that we all have a deep desire to seek well-being and peace in body, mind, and spirit (BMS), as well as to live a rich and meaningful life. Motivated by this belief, CUSCS initiates this Health and Well-Being Series as a heartwarming way to walk by you as we journey along life together, and learn via online sharing to stay healthy with a positive outlook in such particular times.
Through a series of short interesting conversations co-led by Dr. Ella Chan (Director of CUSCS) and Dr. Vaughan Mak (Assistant Director of CUSCS), guests from different professional domains including professors, doctors, and scientists are invited to share their expertise and insights from a preventive angle on a variety of health and well-being topics under different themes. Each theme consists of 4 episodes of 15-minute videos; and for every theme there is a "BMS Fuel Tank" and a "Let's Connect" message board for everyone to access accurate and practical healthy tips and information. Yes, let us connect and cheer each other on as we all learn to grow in health and well-being.
香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學學系副教授任卓昇醫生深信小孩子擁有良好視力是基本權利,而且一雙眼睛可以用上80年、100年,小兒眼科的工作因此對他來説非常有意義。他除了幫助本港基層小朋友,也到内地山區服務,造福更多人。任醫生將在一連四集的節目講解不同小兒眼疾、破解一般的眼科迷思,並且從預防角度分享護眼法則。讓任卓昇醫生帶我們 「從靈魂之窗出發」!