Department of Surgery, CUHK

Dr Shannon Chan has been awarded Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2022

16 December 2022

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CU Medicine first in Asia to perform one-stage hybrid aortic arch surgery on patients with multi-segment thoracic aortic diseases using novel device
中大醫學院成功利用新混合人造血管支架 完成亞洲首個一站式多部位胸腔主動脈手術

9 November 2022

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Dr Shannan Chan awarded “Hong Kong Humanity Award 2021” for her contributions to humanitarian aid

18 January 2022

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Study led by CUHK shows robotic-assisted bladder removal with intracorporeal urinary diversion reduces blood loss and enhances post-operative recovery
中大領導亞洲多地專家進行研究顯示 「機械人輔助根治性全膀胱切除連體內尿路重建手術」減出血量及加快術後痊癒

23 December 2021

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Dr Jeremy Teoh awarded “SIU-Innovators Award” at the 41st Congress of the Société Internationale d'Urologie

13 November 2021

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CUHK Surgery ranked top 5 in Asia in the Best Global Universities Subject rankings by the U.S. News and Report

27 October 2021

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CUHK joined hands with 5,000 experts on international study to reveal 1 in 7 cancer patients around the world experienced longer preoperative delays during COVID-19 lockdowns

14 October 2021

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Dr Jeremy Teoh has been awarded Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2021

2 October 2021

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Dr Kaori Futaba led GPS Students to receive Gold Award for Education Impact in CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021

30 August 2021

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Prof Anthony Teoh has been selected as Associate Member of the ACS Academy of Master Surgeon Educators™

27 August 2021

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CUHK Thoracic surgical team performed the most non-invasive Bronchoscopic Microwave Ablation (BMA) cases in hybrid operation room

14 July 2021

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CUHK Surgery has 5 projects recommended for the Health & Medical Research Fund (HMRF) 2019-20
中大外科學系5個項目獲推薦「醫療衞生研究基金 2019-20」撥款

24 March 2021

CUHK Surgery innovation awarded Bronze Medal in the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2021

23 March 2021

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CUHK study shows Covid patients operated within 6 weeks diagnosis are at higher death risk

23 March 2021

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CUHK and HKBU Launch Spermine Risk Score for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

28 February 2021

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CUHK Identifies Outcome Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients Receiving Prostatic Artery Embolisation
中大發現能預測「前列腺動脈栓塞術」成效的指標 可避免良性前列腺肥大患者術後出現副作用

1 February 2021

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CUHK study shows AKI after SARS or COVID-19 infection is associated with severe consequences

29 January 2021

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Professor Nathalie Wong awarded HK$71 million in funding under the Areas of Excellence Scheme 2020/21 to establish a Centre for Medical Engineering of Molecular and Biological Probes

4 January 2021

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27 November 2020
Professor Philip Chiu awarded "Spirit of Hong Kong Awards 2020 - The Spirit of Innovation Award"

Professor Philip Chiu awarded "Spirit of Hong Kong Awards 2020 - The Spirit of Innovation Award"

27 November 2020

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10 November 2020
CUHK Studies Highlight Smoking as a Contributing Factor for Bladder Cancer

CUHK Studies Highlight Smoking as a Contributing Factor for Bladder Cancer

10 November 2020

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Study 1       Study 2

15 September 2020
CUHK Successfully Performed World’s First Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection
Using Flexible Endoscopic Robotic System

CUHK Successfully Performed World’s First Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection
Using Flexible Endoscopic Robotic System

15 September 2020

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2 September 2020
Research Project on “The Establishment and Promotion of the Standardized System of Whole Course Diagnosis and Treatment for Colorectal Cancer” won 2019 Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award – First Class Award

Research Project on “The Establishment and Promotion of the Standardized System of Whole Course Diagnosis and Treatment for Colorectal Cancer” won 2019 Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award – First Class Award

2 September 2020

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Prof. Simon Ng has recently received the Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award – First Class Award (上海醫學科技獎一等獎) for the project entitled ‘The Establishment and Promotion of the Standardized System of Whole Course Diagnosis and Treatment for Colorectal Cancer (規範化的結直腸癌全程診療體系的建立與推廣)’, which was accomplished in collaboration with the Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

28 July 2020
[World 1st] Thoracic surgical team from CU Medicine achieves breakthrough in the treatment of lung metastasis. 中大醫學院胸腔外科團隊為肺轉移治療帶來新突破。
Hybrid Theatre Facilitates Lung-Preserving Multimodal Treatment for Multiple Pulmonary Metastases

[World 1st] Thoracic surgical team from CU Medicine achieves breakthrough in the treatment of lung metastasis. 中大醫學院胸腔外科團隊為肺轉移治療帶來新突破。
Hybrid Theatre Facilitates Lung-Preserving Multimodal Treatment for Multiple Pulmonary Metastases

28 July 2020

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11 July 2020
Is EGD an aerosol generating procedure 照胃鏡涉及霧化程序嗎 ?
A proof of concept study: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is an aerosol-generating procedure and continuous oral suction during the procedure reduces the amount of aerosol generated

Is EGD an aerosol generating procedure 照胃鏡涉及霧化程序嗎 ?
A proof of concept study: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is an aerosol-generating procedure and continuous oral suction during the procedure reduces the amount of aerosol generated

11 July 2020

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16 June 2020
CU Medicine Survey Shows Global Urological Services have been Significantly Deferred due to COVID-19 Pandemic
中大醫學院領導的調查顯示 全球泌尿科服務因新冠病毒大流行而被嚴重推遲

CU Medicine Survey Shows Global Urological Services have been Significantly Deferred due to COVID-19 Pandemic
中大醫學院領導的調查顯示 全球泌尿科服務因新冠病毒大流行而被嚴重推遲

16 June 2020

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11 May 2020
'Class Acts' Online Talk Series by Dr. Jeremy Teoh on "What I have learnt as a Surgeon"

'Class Acts' Online Talk Series by Dr. Jeremy Teoh on "What I have learnt as a Surgeon"

11 May 2020

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13 April 2020
CUHK Study Finds Earlier Endoscopy Did Not Reduce Mortality and Risk of Further Bleeding in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Patients

CUHK Study Finds Earlier Endoscopy Did Not Reduce Mortality and Risk of Further Bleeding in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Patients

13 April 2020

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26 March 2019
CUHK Successfully Conducts Asia-Pacific’s First Hybrid Operating Room Non-invasive Bronchoscopic Microwave Ablation to Treat Lung Cancer

CUHK Successfully Conducts Asia-Pacific’s First Hybrid Operating Room Non-invasive Bronchoscopic Microwave Ablation to Treat Lung Cancer

26 March 2019

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23 February 2019
Teachers’ and Students’ Awards Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 23 February 2019

Teachers’ and Students’ Awards Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 23 February 2019

23 February 2019

Professor Paul Lai received the Faculty Education Award while Professor Simon Ng received Teachers of The Year Awards 2019 in Medicine discipline. These awards were established to recognize teachers who exemplify excellence in teaching.
Our warmest congratulations to Professor Lai and Professor Ng of the Department for the awards.

13 January 2019
CUHK Successfully Conducted the World's First Multi-Specialty Clinical Trial Using the Next Generation Single Port Robotic Surgical System
中大完成全球首個多專科單孔微創機械人手術臨床研究 證新技術有效深入以往難達位置進行精準治療

CUHK Successfully Conducted the World's First Multi-Specialty Clinical Trial Using the Next Generation Single Port Robotic Surgical System
中大完成全球首個多專科單孔微創機械人手術臨床研究 證新技術有效深入以往難達位置進行精準治療

13 January 2019

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November 2017 - April 2018
Johnson and Johnson Thoracic Surgery Student Scholarship

Johnson and Johnson Thoracic Surgery Student Scholarship

November 2017 - April 2018

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This prize and scholarship aims to offer an opportunity for final medical year students to attend an international conference and gain further insight into the academic and research developments in surgery, and in particular foster their interest in the field of thoracic surgery.

3 October 2017
Celebrating the return of AHNH Surgical Service on 3 October 2017

Celebrating the return of AHNH Surgical Service on 3 October 2017

3 October 2017

23 September 2017
Congratulations on the sweeping success at the RCSEd/CSHK Annual Scientific Congress & Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony (September 2017)

Congratulations on the sweeping success at the RCSEd/CSHK Annual Scientific Congress & Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony (September 2017)

23 September 2017

From left to right: Best Motion Picture Award: Dr. YIP Hon Chi / Best Research Award (1st prize): Dr. CHAN Yuen Chung David
Li Shields' Medal: Dr. LOK Hon Ting / RCSEd China Medal: Dr. LIU Yuk Wah Shirley / HKICBSC Membership Examination Award: Dr. CHAN Wing Yan Joyce /
CSHK Award: Dr. HO Man Fung / Best Original Paper Award - Surgical Practice: Dr. CHAN Kin Wai, Edwin

24 August 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Shirley Liu, Associate Consultant, for being awarded the best Clinical Poster (The Dr John Farndon Award) by the 47th World Congress of Surgery of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons in Basel, Switzerland.

Congratulations to Dr. Shirley Liu, Associate Consultant, for being awarded the best Clinical Poster (The Dr John Farndon Award) by the 47th World Congress of Surgery of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons in Basel, Switzerland.

24 August 2017

9 January 2017
CUHK Researchers Receive Six State Science and Technology Awards

CUHK Researchers Receive Six State Science and Technology Awards

9 January 2017

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The 2016 State Science and Technology Awards ceremony was held today (9 January) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received six awards, including one State Natural Science Award (SNSA) second-class, one State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (SSTPA) first-class, three SSTPA second-class awards as well as, for the first time, the SSTPA (Innovation Team).

The State Natural Science Award second-class award - Integrative Research on Molecular Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Biomarkers and Prevention for Colorectal Cancer

Prof. Joseph JY Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK and Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine, Prof. Jun Yu, Professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prof. Francis KL Chan, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. William KK Wu, Assistant Professor of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and the Institute of Digestive Diseases, and Prof. Simon SM Ng, Professor of the Department of Surgery, were honoured with the SNSA second-class award for the project entitled 'Integrative Research on Molecular Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Biomarkers and Prevention for Colorectal Cancer'.

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies. The research team led by Prof. Joseph JY Sung has been investigating the epidemiology, screening, molecular pathogenesis and biomarkers of CRC for 15 years. The team has achieved several breakthroughs, including leading an Asia-Pacific working group to study the epidemiology and risk factors of CRC and formulating a guideline on CRC screening; unveiling the mutational landscape of CRC in the Chinese population and discovering new fusion genes and high-frequency mutated genes; identifying novel epigenetic alterations and signaling pathway dysregulation in CRC; and identifying novel biomarkers for non-invasive diagnosis of CRC.





18 October 2016
Congratulations to the awardees at the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony & Scientific Congress (September 2016)

Congratulations to the awardees at the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony & Scientific Congress (September 2016)

18 October 2016

Congratulations to the awardees at the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Diploma Conferment Ceremony & Scientific Congress:

GB Ong Medal and LI Shields' Medal:
Dr NG Sheung Hey Andrew (Division of Colorectal Surgery, PWH)

Best Research Award (1st prize):
Dr CHAN Yuen Chung David (Division of Neurosurgery, PWH)

The Best Original Paper Award of The Surgical Practice:
Dr WONG John (Co-authors: Danny Tat-Ming Chan, Yuk-Him Tam, Simon Siu-Man Ng, Philip Ching-Tak Ip, Wing-Wah Leung and Paul Bo-San Lai), Prince of Wales Hospital
Paper Title: "Audit on surgical patients’ understanding of their informed consent"

Dr CHUNG Ho Yu Patrick (Co-authors: Kenneth Kak-Yuen Wong, Jessie Ling Leung, Paul Kwong-Hang Tam, Kenneth Lap-Yan Chung, Michael Wai-Yip Leung, Nicholas Sih-Yin Chao, Kelvin Kam-Wing Liu, Bess Siu-Yan Tsui, Edwin Kin-Wai Chan, Peter Yuk-Him Tam and Kim-Hung Lee), Queen Mary Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, United Christian Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital
Paper Title: "Clinical and manometric evaluations of anorectal function in patients after transanal endorectal pull-through operation for Hirschsprung's disease: A multicentre study"

The Best Motion Picture Award of the RCSEd/CSHK Conjoint Scientific Congress:
Dr WONG Vivien Wai Yin (Division of Upper Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Surgery)

RCSEd China Medal:
Dr NG Sheung Hey Andrew (Division of Colorectal Surgery, PWH)

22 July 2016
CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Awards 2015 – Dr YANG Shengli

CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Awards 2015 – Dr YANG Shengli

22 July 2016

Congratulations to Dr YANG Shengli (2015 PhD Graduate in Surgery)!
His thesis “Hypoxia-inducible Factor-2 Alpha in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma” is awarded the “CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Awards 2015” among all 2015 Postgraduate Students in Faculty of Medicine.

21 June 2016
CUHK World's First Study Confirms A New Colorectal Cancer High Risk Group
Siblings of Affected Individuals 6 times More Likely to Have Advanced Adenoma

CUHK World's First Study Confirms A New Colorectal Cancer High Risk Group
Siblings of Affected Individuals 6 times More Likely to Have Advanced Adenoma

21 June 2016

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) conducted the world’s first large prospective cohort study on the risk of advanced adenoma among siblings of individuals affected by this problem. Results showed that siblings of individuals with advanced adenoma were 6 times more likely to have advanced adenoma than unaffected people. Researchers advise if one of the family members has advanced adenomas, the respective siblings should consider to undergo colonoscopy to prevent colorectal cancer. The study has been published in the leading medical journal Gastroenterology.


4 May 2016
2016 HA outstanding team and staff awards

2016 HA outstanding team and staff awards

4 May 2016

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The “Multidisciplinary Management Team for Patients with Obese Metabolic Syndrome, PWH” is awarded the “HA Outstanding Team 2016” for its outstanding performance, provision of quality patient-centred care and strong team spirit. Let’s offer our heartiest congratulation to the Team especially our surgeons, nursing & research colleagues!

26 January 2016
Prof Teoh Yuen Bun Anthony, Associate Professor awarded the 2016 Carlos A. Pellegrini Fellowship

Prof Teoh Yuen Bun Anthony, Associate Professor awarded the 2016 Carlos A. Pellegrini Fellowship

26 January 2016

Congratulation to Prof. Teoh Yuen Bun Anthony, Associate Professor for being awarded the prestigious Carlos A. Pellegrini Fellowship for 2016.

The Carlos A. Pellegrini Fellowship was established by the China-Hong Kong Chapter of American College of Surgeons through a donation in 2012 and it was subsequently inaugurated in 2013. This is a very prestigious award honouring an esteemed leader of American surgery of rare equal. The Fellowship is intended for young (less than 45 years of age) Hong Kong and China surgeons with substantial professional experience and academic achievement. Prof Teoh is the first CUHK surgeon to receive this award. He will attend the Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons in October 2016 and visit esteemed surgical centres including Dr Pellegrini's Department in Seattle, Washington.

17 November 2015
CUHK’s New Prostatic Artery Embolization Shows 90% Success Rate in Relieving Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

CUHK’s New Prostatic Artery Embolization Shows 90% Success Rate in Relieving Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

17 November 2015

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The Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has initiated a clinical study on prostatic artery embolization (PAE) since 2014 and put the new treatment into clinical trial on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) beginning in June 2015. The preliminary result is encouraging. 90% of the patients could pass urine in 2 weeks after the treatment. The team will continue the clinical study to collect further data with the aim of providing a non-surgical treatment option for the patients in the future.


16 September 2015
CUHK Introduces High Frequency Oscillations to Determine Resection Margin Increases the Effectiveness of Complex Epilepsy Surgery by around 30%

CUHK Introduces High Frequency Oscillations to Determine Resection Margin Increases the Effectiveness of Complex Epilepsy Surgery by around 30%

16 September 2015

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A study conducted by the Faculty of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) reveals that in complex epilepsy surgery, combining intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) and high frequency oscillations (HFOs) technology can accurately determine the focal seizure origin and resection area, thereby increasing the surgical effectiveness by about 30%. The findings have been published in the Jan 2015 issue of the leading international journal Clinical Neurophysiology.

香港中文大學(中大)醫學院最新研究指出,在複雜性腦癇症手術中,結合顱內腦電圖和高頻信號檢測(high-frequency oscillations)技術,可更準確地找出癲癇症發作源頭,以確定手術切除範圍,有效提升約三成手術成效。有關研究結果已於國際期刊Clinical Neurophysiology 2015年一月號中發表。

7 May 2015
CUHK Received Eight Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output AwardsThe Highest Share among Hong Kong Institutions

CUHK Received Eight Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output AwardsThe Highest Share among Hong Kong Institutions

7 May 2015

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received eight Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) from the Ministry of Education (MoE) in 2014, including two first-class awards and five second-class awards in Natural Sciences, as well as one first-class award in Scientific and Technological Progress, again making it the institution receiving the highest number of awards in the local tertiary sector. The award presentation ceremony was held today (7 May) at Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK. Prof. Lu Li, Director General of the Education, Science & Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR; Mr. Brian Sai-hung Lo, Deputy Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government; and Mr. Naiyiu Li, President of Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Center, presented the prizes at the ceremony.
First-class award in Natural Sciences:-
Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine; Prof. Jun Yu, Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics; Prof. Simon Siu-man Ng, Professor, Department of Surgery; Prof. Ka-kei Wu, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care; and Prof. Siew-chien Ng, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics — Integrative research on molecular basis and potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for colorectal cancer…

中大校長兼莫慶堯醫學講座教授沈祖堯教授、內科及藥物治療學系教授于君教授、外科學系教授吳兆文教授、消化疾病研究所研究助理教授胡嘉麒教授,以及內科及藥物治療學系副教授黃秀娟教授 ─「大腸癌發生分子機制、早期預警和防治研究」…

17 February 2015
CUHK Succeeds in Treating Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease by Implantable Pulse Generator

CUHK Succeeds in Treating Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease by Implantable Pulse Generator

17 February 2015

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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is caused by a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Over 80% of patients require lifelong medication to help relieve the symptoms and mitigate the influence on their daily lives. During 2012-2013, The Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) successfully implanted pulse generators in 5 patients to restore their LES function, providing a novel treatment option to patients suffering from GERD.


29 January 2015
Inaugural Lecture of Yao Ling Sun Professorship in Surgery by Professor Lau Yun Wong James

Inaugural Lecture of Yao Ling Sun Professorship in Surgery by Professor Lau Yun Wong James

29 January 2015

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