Parallel Texts, Intersecting Conversations: Gender, Sexuality and Politics

November 6, 2015

Parallel Texts, Intersecting Conversations: Gender, Sexuality and Politics

gender, sexuality and politics

Date: 6 November 2015

Time: 4:00pm –  6:00pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre 7, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

Speakers: Prof. Ho Sik Ying Petula (HKU), Prof. Katrien Jacobs (CUHK)

Moderator: Prof. Wong Wai Ching Angela (CUHK)



Selected Texts:

Do You Hear the Women Sing? (傘不走的女聲)

2014 / Hong Kong / Color / 30min

In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

Producer: Tso Hiu Tung Jessica (Hong Kong Christian Council Gender Justice Group)
Director, cinematographer & editing: Nate Chan
Cinematographer, post production & editing: Fox Fung
Translator: Wong Ka Wing


Practices of Intimacy and the Umbrella Movement: A Collaborative Focus Group Analysis (親密關係與雨傘運動:協作聚焦小組分析)

2015 / Hong Kong / Color

Director: Ho Sik Ying Petula

Cinematographer: Chan Hau-chun


Umbrella Movement’s Women Activists: A Collaborative Focus Group Analysis (雨傘運動的女組織者:協作聚焦小組分析)

2015 / Hong Kong / Color

Director: Ho Sik Ying Petula

Cinematographer: Nate Chan


Facebook PageProtestFemale BodiesFuture (抗爭.女身.未來)


Petula Ho is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong. Dr. Ho is one the few recognised experts in the relatively uncharted territory of gender and sexuality studies in Hong Kong and China. Dr. Ho’s main research and teaching interests are in the area of homosexuality, gender and sexuality issues. Dr. Ho has published numerous papers in international leading journals in sexuality and gender studies, including Sex Roles: A Journal of Sex ResearchJournal of Sex Research, Violence Against Women, Sexualities, Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, and Women’s Studies International Forum, making important contributions to the development of a dynamic theory of gender and sexuality in the international arena that will help problematize feminist theories and resist Western hegemonies through empirical case studies that make connections between discourses, cultural practices, political economy, and social change. She also uses documentary films to explore the integration of arts and scholarship.


Katrien Jacobs is associate professor in Cultural studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has lectured and published widely about sexuality and digital media, contemporary art and media activism. She moved to Hong Kong in 2005 and devotes much of her work to a study of Chinese and trans-Asian media and cultural developments. She is the holder of two GRF grants (2010-2017) about Japanese animation cultures and women’s pornographies in greater China. She has authored three books about Internet culture, art and sexuality. Her first book Netporn: DIY Web Culture and Sexual Politics (Rowman and Littlefield, 2007) received critical claim amongst media scholars as a pioneering study of emerging web cultures that challenge government regulations and the aims of corporate expansionism. Her book People’s Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese Internet (Intellect Books, 2012) investigates mainland China’s immersion in new trends in sexual entertainment and DIY media. It was widely commented on in academia and the news media as a pioneering study of China’s unwieldy sex entertainment and its brutal surveillance. Her most recent book The Afterglow of Women’s Pornography in Post-Digital China (Palgrave Macmillan 2015) focuses on feminist and queer attitudes and media cultures that have been equally supported by netizens and politically censored. Her work can be found


All are welcome.  First-come, first-served.

Registration is required by 4 November 2015.