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  • Chinese Leadership Wisdom from the Book of Change (Hardcover)

Chinese Leadership Wisdom from the Book of Change (Hardcover)

Mun, Kin Chok

English , 2006/06 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Business, Finance & Management, China Studies

229 x 152 mm , 500pp ISBN : 978-962-996-224-1

  • US$35.00

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Also available in print / e-version

For centuries, the Book of Change (or the Yijing), has been consulted for sage advice at life's turning points. It differs from simple prognostication, however, in that it demands us to cultivate an understanding of the situation, the world, and most of all, ourselves; indeed, this understanding is essential for leaders of all times. MUN Kin Chok, a marketing scholar by profession, derives a rational approach to organizational leadership from the Book of Change. The yin–yang concept is illustrated according to contexts and characters of man. The sixty-four hexagrams and each of their six possible “changing lines” are analyzed in a clear systematic manner. Skeptical of oracle predictions, the author combs through different divination methods and utilizes them as tools to calculate risks and stimulate ideas. 

MUN Kin Chok, currently Emeritus Professor of Marketing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, was awarded the Diplom-Volkswirt and Dr. rer.pol. by University of Freiburg, Germany. He was one of the major planners for the establishment of the Faculty of Business Administration, and he pioneered the launch of the Executive MBA program at the university, the first of its kind in the China region. MUN is often described as a true scholar who combines scholarship with close attention to the demands of business practices. He is active as a consultant, board member, and seminar leader for business firms and trade associations and extensive applications will allow modern-day readers. He is also noted for his application of classic Chinese philosophy in modern management. 

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