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  • China


Urban Development towards the Year 2000

Yunkun Wang

English , 1993/01 HKIAPS, Occasional Paper Series Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Tags: China Studies

215 x 140 mm , 115pp ISBN : 978-962-441-019-8

  • US$4.50

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China's market-oriented reforms have brought about fundamental changes to its economy. The reforms have significantly changed urban development from its previous pattern which was largely determined by decision-makers at the central government. The development of various commodity and service markets is becoming the driving force of urban development. Economic reforms have also posed serious challenges to the previous policy framework under central planning. However, to be able to meet the challenges and opportunities brought about by the new reforms, markets must be developed in such key sectors as labour, land and capital. In anticipating China's urban development towards the year 2000, the following themes are explored: (1) a new spatial urban structure; (2) urban integrated restructuring; (3) a breaking of systemic barriers between urban and rural areas and the formation of an integrated labour market; (4) affordable housing markets; (5) systematic land markets; (6) redevelopment of old cities; (7) municipal finance; (8) capital markets; (9) urban-rural integration; and (10) environmental protection. China's urban development towards 2000 calls for talents to be harnessed for research and practical ends. Flourishing urban research in the 1980s has only laid a foundation for more rigorous research in the future. To be able to meet the challenges ahead, urban research itself needs to be reformed.

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