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  • Naked Picnic 裸體野餐

Naked Picnic 裸體野餐

Un Sio San 袁紹珊

Bilingual , 2013/11 International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Literature, Poetry, Translation, Bilingual, International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong

170 x 109 mm , 54pp ISBN : 978-962-996-628-7

  • US$3.50

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Also available in print / e-version

Following the convening of Hong Kong International Poetry Nights 2013, Islands or Continents is a collection of selected works by some of the most internationally acclaimed poets today. The poem of "Naked Picnic" by Un Sio San (Macau) is finest contemporary poetry in trilingual or bilingual presentation.

袁紹珊, 詩人、專欄作家, 生於澳門, 北京大學中文系及藝術系學士、多倫多大學東亞系及亞太研究項目碩士。曾獲「澳門文學獎」等獎項, 作品散見於兩岸四地刊物。個人詩集包括《太平盛世的形上流亡》(香港,2008) 、《Wonderland》(台北,2011)、《這裡 / Here》(英譯詩選集)(澳門,2011)。


Poet and writer, Un Sio San was born in Macau in 1985 and graduated from Peking University and the University of Toronto. She has won several writing prizes, including the Macao Literature Prize. Her works can be found in literary journals published in Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China, and a bilingual edition of her work titled Here was published in 2011 by the Association of Stories in Macau.

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