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  • Tracks of Emotion  感情幹線

Tracks of Emotion 感情幹線

Natalia Chan 洛楓

Bilingual , 2013/11 International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Literature, Poetry, Translation, Bilingual, International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong

170 x 109 mm , 48pp ISBN : 978-962-996-625-6

  • US$3.50

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Also available in print / e-version

Following the convening of Hong Kong International Poetry Nights 2013, Islands or Continents is a collection of selected works by some of the most internationally acclaimed poets today. The poem of "Tracks of Emotion" by Natalia Chan (Hong Kong) is finest contemporary poetry in trilingual or bilingual presentation.

洛楓, 詩人、文化評論人, 香港大學文學士及哲學碩士, 美國加州大學聖地牙哥校區比較文學博士, 香港電台廣播節目《演藝風流》客席主持; 曾任教於香港中文大學、科技大學、理工大學、演藝學院、嶺南大學等, 研究範圍包括文化及電影理論、中西比較文學、性別理論、演藝及流行文化。著有詩集《距離》、《錯失》、《飛天棺材》; 小說集《末代童話》、《炭燒的城》, 散文集《變臉幻書》; 評論集《世紀末城巿: 香港的流行文化》、《盛世邊緣: 香港電影的性別、特技與九七政治》、《女聲喧嘩: 媒介與文化閱讀》、《禁色的蝴蝶: 張國榮的藝術形象》、《請勿超越黃線:香港文學的時代記認》、《情書光影:洛楓演藝評論集I》。其中詩集《飛天棺材》獲2007 年第九屆香港中文文學雙年獎詩組首獎;文化評論集《禁色的蝴蝶: 張國榮的藝術形象》獲「2008香港書獎」及「我最喜愛年度好書」等獎項。

Natalia S. H. Chan (penname: Lok Fung) is a poet and cultural critic. She holds a PhD in comparative literature and cultural studies from the University of California, San Diego. Her research interests include cultural and film theory, gender studies, popular culture, performance studies, cross-dressing and fashion. She is also the guest anchor of Radio Hong Kong’s Performing Arts program. Her recent publications in Chinese include Flying Coffin, which received the 9th Biennial Award for Chinese Literature (Poetry) in 2007, and Butterfly of Forbidden Colors: The Artistic Image of Leslie Cheung, which received the Hong Kong Book Prize as well as the 2008 “Best Book of the Year” award.

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