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  • Traditional Government in Imperial China

Traditional Government in Imperial China

A Critical Analysis

Ch'ien Mu

English , 1982/01 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: History, Cultural Studies

229 x 152 mm , 184pp ISBN : 978-962-201-254-7

  • US$16.00

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Also available in print / e-version

How China was governed in her long historic past, and how the emperor and the court functioned has aroused considerable interest to historians and social scientists in modern times. Nobody is more qualified to tell the story on China's institutional history than the late Professor Ch'ien Mu himself. The author picks the most important dynasties in Chinese history and discusses the organization of the government in terms of fiscal, military and civil services as well as relations between the central and provincial government. To achieve so much in such a short monograph is truly the work of a master.

Professor Ch'ien Mu (Qian Mu) describes the basic constitutive elements of China's traditional government as it evolved. He concentrates upon those dynasties he considers China's most representative: the Han, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing; and critically analyzes and compares their governmental organization, civil service examination system, taxation and defence.

Ch'ien Mu (1895-1990) was one of the greatest historians and philosophers in twentieth-century China. He received little formal modern education, but gained his knowledge on Chinese history and culture through traditional home study. He taught at universities in China prior to arrival in Hong Kong in 1949, where he was a founder of the New Asia College. He received honorary doctorates from both Yale and Hong Kong University.

Professor Ch'ien wrote extensively on Chinese classics, history and Confucian philosophy. He was one of the few Chinese scholars who during the turbulent twentieth century saw nothing but goodness in Chinese traditional values and culture.

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