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  • The Chinese Text

The Chinese Text

Studies in Chinese Comparative Literature

Ying-hsiung Chou

English , 1986/01 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Literature

235 x 160 mm , 232pp ISBN : 978-962-201-318-6

  • US$18.50

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Also available in print / e-version

The collection opens with Harry Levin's "What Is Literature if Not Comparative," read in the Second Hong Kong Comparative Literature Conference (1982) and used here to highlight the significance of a comparative outlook in literary studies. It is followed by five constellations of Chinese-Western comparative studies, some of which were read in the same conference and others specifically solicited. The areas studied include classical Chinese drama, Chinese narrative, Chinese influence in modern American literature, Chinese aesthetics and contemporary Chinese literature. The collection should be of interest to the reader not only for its comprehensive coverage but also for its demonstration of various strategies in Chinese-Western comparative literary studies.

Ying-hsiung Chou teaches English and Comparative Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and is the author of A Study of the Return Motif in Fiction and Structuralism and Chinese Literature.

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