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  • Avvistamenti, pensieri e sentimenti (Sightings, Thoughts and Feelings) (English / Italian)

Avvistamenti, pensieri e sentimenti (Sightings, Thoughts and Feelings) (English / Italian)

collezione de poesie scelte 1972-2015 (Selected Collected Poems, 1972-2015)

By Gillian Bickley, Translated by Luisa Ternau, Selected by Verner Bickley

English , 2020/09 Proverse Hong Kong

Tags: Poetry

216 x 140 mm , 126pp ISBN : 978-988-8492-01-5

  • US$30.00

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Avvistamenti, pensieri e sentimenti (Sightings, Thoughts and Feelings) contains collected poems from Gillian Bickley's previous five collections, selected by her husband, Verner Bickley. 

A bilingual English/ Romanian edition, Poeme, translated by Carolina Ilica and Dumitru M. Ion (Curtea de Argeş, Romania: Editura Academiei Internaţionale Orient-Occident, 2016), was launched in Romania at the 20th International Festival, “Curtea de Argeş Poetry Nights”.



Gillian Bickley’s collection of poems, translated by Luisa Ternau, could not have a better title. In a time span that goes from 1972 to 2015, Bickley takes us through many ‘sightings’ in various parts of the world, which let a variety of thoughts and feelings arise, stimulating the reader’s curiosity.

Gillian Bickley guides us through the reminiscences of a Hong Kong that no longer exists, but also through the English Midlands, Scotland, Andorra and Albania. We find photographs, music, archaeological remains, animals, plants and flowers. There are also many memories of the various characters met or simply observed. All of them became objects of inspiration for the author. There is no lack of reflections on the meaning of life and death taking shape from episodes or encounters, even casual ones. 

I highly recommend this poetry collection. Bickley’s verse is engaging. With grace and gentleness, it lets us become part of the poet’s rich and interesting lyrical world.

—Paola Caronni

La collezione di poesie di Gillian Bickley, tradotta da Luisa Ternau, non poteva avere titolo migliore. In un arco di tempo che va dal 1972 al 2015, Bickley ci accompagna attraverso molti “avvistamenti”, in varie parti del mondo, che lasciano emergere una varietà di pensieri e sentimenti, stimolando la curiosità del lettore.

Gillian Bickley ci guida attraverso le reminiscenze una Hong Kong che non c’è più, ma anche attraverso le Midlands inglesi, la Scozia, Andorra, l’Albania. Ritroviamo fotografie, musica, resti archeologici, animali, piante e fiori. Tanti sono anche i ricordi dei vari personaggi – conosciuti di persona o semplicemente osservati. Tutti, in qualche modo sono diventati oggetto di ispirazione per l’autrice. Non mancano le riflessioni sul senso della vita e della morte, che prendono forma da episodi o incontri anche casuali. 

Raccomando vivamente questa raccolta di poesie. Il verso di Bickley è coinvolgente: con grazia e gentilezza ci permette di entrare a far parte dell’interessante e ricco mondo lirico

di questa poetessa.

—Paola Caronni

“La varietà della vita umana e la risposta individuale alla vita, questi sono gli interessi centrali di Gillian Bickley.”

—Professore Emerito I.F. Clarke e M.Clarke.

“The variety of human life and the individual response to life, these are Gillian Bickley's central interests.”

—Emeritus Professor I. F. Clarke and M. Clarke

Dr Gillian Bickley (née Workman)  was born in the UK and has lived mainly in Hong Kong (but also in Nigeria, West Africa, and Auckland, New Zealand) during her professional career as a University teacher of Literature in English. Five of her poetry collections have been published – For the Record (2003), Moving House (2005), Sightings (2007), China Suite (2009) and Perceptions (2012) –and her collected selected poems, Over the Years (2017). In 2014 at the 18th International Festival, “Curtea de Argeș Poetry Nights”, held in Romania, she was awarded the “Grand Prix Orient-Occident Des Arts” by the Festival Board. Bickley is one of the Hong Kong poets discussed in Agnes S. L. Lam’s study, Becoming poets: The Asian English Experience. From time to time she now teaches creative writing at the School of Professional and Continuing Education, University of Hong Kong. Gillian is also known as a historian who takes special interest in nineteenth century Hong Kong. Her biography of the founder of Hong Kong Government Education, The Golden Needle: the Biography of Frederick Stewart (1836-1889), is regarded as definitive. More recently, her editions, Through American Eyes: The Journals (18 May 1859 - 1 September 1860) Of George Washington  (Farley) Heard (1837-1875) (2017) and Journeys with a Mission: Travel Journals of The Right Revd George Smith (1815-1871), first Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong (1849-1865) (2018) joined an earlier work, Hong Kong Invaded! A ’97 Nightmare (University of Hong Kong Press, 2001) (an edition of the 1897 work of future war fiction, The Back Door), and have gained attention. With her husband, Verner Bickley, she founded the International Proverse Prize for unpublished book-length fiction, non-fiction, or poetry and the International Proverse Poetry Prize for single poems.

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