Dr. Dog Exam Visit
Busy preparing for your final examinations? uBuddies is going to collaborate with Animals Asia and hold an Dr. Dog exam visit! Grab the chance to interact with our adorable Dr. Dogs and get your stress relieved!

uBuddies cookie workshop
We uBuddies are thrilled to invite you to our Cookies Baking activity next Saturday. At Bake Lab, we could experience self-serve baking, savour the fun of making mouth-watering cookies by ourselves. We hope it can be an outlet to re-energize yourselves from the hustle and bustle of life~

Mindful Walk in the Forest @Sunshine At CUHK
Autumn is the best season for hiking and breathing fresh air in the countryside. Sunshine At CUHK invites you to join the Mindful Walk in the Forest🌄 to purify your mind. We will step out of CUHK campus, and follow the certified guides of the Associate of Nature & Forest Therapy Guides & Programmes to reawake the five senses and experience the healing power in the forest of Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve.

uPals_Healing Trip – Tai O Outing
uPals members will guide you to explore the beauty of Tai O from different aspects. You can wander through the village streets and market, visit the historic Kwan Tai Temple and Tai O Heritage Hotel, go hiking and sample some new local foods.