Dr. Dog Exam Visit Get-Together , Past Events , Current & Forthcoming Events Busy preparing for your final examinations? uBuddies is going to collaborate with Animals Asia and hold an Dr. Dog exam visit! Grab the chance to interact with our adorable Dr. Dogs and get your stress relieved!Dr. Dog Exam VisitDATE:5 December, 2022 (Monday)TIME:14:30 – 15:30VENUE:Learning garden, University LibraryLANGUAGE:EnglishTARGET:CUHK full-time undergradute studentsREGISTRATION:https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/mycuform/view.php?id=1750799For enquiries, please contact uBuddies: drdogxubuddies2022@gmail.com.