College Students Awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarship

Four S.H. Ho College students in the MBChB programme (Global Physician-Leadership Stream) have been awarded Innovation and Technology Scholarship. They attended the award presentation ceremony in the Central Government Offices on 1 April and received their certificates from Mrs. Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The four awardees are Miss Cheung Cheuk Sin, Mr. Chiu Kwan Ho, Miss Lam Li Man and Mr. Wong Chung Hei. They felt deeply honoured to receive the scholarship. With the exceptional learning opportunities bestowed by the award, they hoped to contribute to society in the future.
Established in 2011, the Innovation and Technology Scholarship is presented to 25 local undergraduate students in science-related, engineering or medical discipline every year. Each awardee will be given a scholarship of up to HK$150,000 for a wide range of trainings, including overseas/mainland attachment programme, mentorship programme, local internship and service projects.