HAN Siqi
Assistant Professor
Research Interests
  • Social Stratification
  • Science, Technology, and Society
  • Computational Social Science
  • SOCI 3102 Social Networks and Social Capital
  • SOCI 5643 Doing Class in Everyday Life
Selected Publications

Han, Siqi. “Reproducing the working class? Incongruence between the valuation of Social-Emotional skills in school and in the labor market.” Sociological Perspectives64, no. 3 (2021): 467-487.

Fan, Wen, and Siqi Han. “Explaining Cross-National Variation in the Health Benefits of Tertiary Education: What Are the Roles of the Skills Gap and the Earnings Gap?.” European Sociological Review36, no. 6 (2020): 957-975.

Han, Siqi. “Staying in STEM or changing course: Do natives and immigrants pursue the path of least resistance?.” Social Science Research58 (2016): 165-183.

Han, Siqi, Dmitry Tumin, and Zhenchao Qian. “Gendered transitions to adulthood by college field of study in the United States.” Demographic research35 (2016): 929.

Han, Siqi, and Claudia Buchmann. “Aligning science achievement and STEM expectations for college success: A Comparative study of curricular standardization.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences2, no. 1 (2016): 192-211.