第2輪報名: 現已開始接受!!!!
Micro-and Nano-technology for Biosensing 微納生物傳感技術
The Faculty of Science & the Faculty of Engineering, will jointly offer a STEM course to S4 to S6 students
數學英才精進課程 2022(EPYMT) 現已開始接受報名!
為期18個月的STEM 英才科學訓練及培育 已經完滿結束 !
To witness and to celebrate the achievement
that the 14 students participating in the STEM programme have made over these 18 months in this programme launched in summer 2020.
Science Empowers Your Dreams
We Enhance Your Talent
Science Empowers Your Dreams
We Enhance Your Talent
Science Empowers Your Dreams
We Enhance Your Talent
Science Empowers Your Dreams
We Enhance Your Talent
Science Empowers Your Dreams
We Enhance Your Talent
Science Empowers Your Dreams
We Enhance Your Talent
  • B63

  • 93709 Converted

  • Summer

  • Autumn

12月 2022
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