Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates 2022
Welcome to the Faculty of Science!
The Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates was successfully held on 5 September 2022. This year, the Faculty is proud to have admitted nearly 700 bright students from various backgrounds to join our science community. Many incoming students attended the inauguration ceremony and took the opportunity to get to know more about the Faculty.
Professor SONG Chunshan encouraged our freshmen to dream, think big and believe in themselves to realise their full potential. Three senior-year students also shared their fruitful and rewarding life at CUHK with our new comers. All had a great time after enjoying a series of interactive games which helped them to familiarise themselves with the university.
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Research X Innovation - Professor LAM Hon Ming Infuses Values Education into STEM to Nurture Next-generation Science Talents
Professor LAM Hon Ming, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences from the School of Life Sciences, has offered his solution via his budding project “Soybean STEM Project”, supported by the Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund.
Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services has recently featured Professor Lam in a video series entitled “Research X Innovation = Change the Future”, in which he shares his vision and what he hopes to achieve through his project. Watch the video and see Professor Lam’s plan.
Professor Arthur CHENG was selected as President-elect 2022-23 of the Society of Exploration Geophysics
Professor Arthur CHENG, Honorary Fellow of CUHK and Adjunct Professor of the Earth System Science Programme, has been selected as President-elect 2022-23 of the Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG) by SEG Voting Members. Professor Cheng is the first Chinese geophysicist to take up this position.
Once-in-a-Lifetime Expedition for Science Students - Deployment of Seismometers atop Axial Seamount to Monitor Earthquake Activity
Deployment of a broadband ocean bottom seismometer which will settle atop Axial Seamount at ~2km below the ocean surface (Credit: Felix Waldhauser)
CUHK team (from right) SONG Zilin, Adnan BARKAT, Prof. TAN Yen Joe, and LIU Hui with a broadband ocean bottom seismometer (Credit: Hui Liu)
Professor TAN Yen Joe of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme recently ventured with his PhD students between 1-8 September 2022 to the Northeast Pacific Ocean to deploy 15 ocean bottom seismometers atop the famed Axial Seamount, a submarine volcano off of the west coast of the USA that last erupted in 2015.
We live on an active planet where volcanic eruptions can bring sudden and dramatic changes to the natural environment and human society. Most volcanic eruptions occur under the ocean, a vast and underexplored part of Earth. Professor Tan and his students’ expedition is part of a collaborative effort with research teams from Columbia University, Queens College, and University of Washington to monitor surrounding earthquake activity as the volcano builds up to its next eruption, so that our understanding of the precursory processes. The project aims to monitor surrounding earthquake activity as the volcano builds up to its next eruption to improve our understanding of the precursory processes as well as the utility of seismic observations for eruption forecasting. This valuable and memorable research field experience was made possible thanks to funding from the US National Science Foundation and Hong Kong’s Croucher Foundation.
Honours & Awards
Professor YEUNG Ying Yeung receives Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2022
Professor YEUNG Ying Yeung from the Department of Chemistry has been awarded the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2022 in recognition of his excellent achievements in scientific research.
Professor Francis TAM receives a fellowship from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
Professor Francis TAM from the Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme received an ACU Fellowship to collaborate with the University of Exeter to study the climate risks posed by the South China summer monsoon.
“The Fellowship allows me to launch a project complementary to my current approaches on studying extreme events. Not only does it broaden my research scope, but it also provides a research opportunity for undergraduate students under my mentorship,” said Professor Tam.
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Professor Eric CHUNG was awarded Silver Medal of the ICCM Medal of Mathematics 2022
Professor Eric CHUNG from the Department of Mathematics has been awarded the Silver Medal of the ICCM Medal of Mathematics 2022. The International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM) Medal of Mathematics was established in 1998 to recognise outstanding mathematicians of Chinese descent under the age of 45 for their achievements in pure and applied mathematics research.
CUHK Research Excellence Award 2021-22
Professor GU Zhengcheng (left) of the Department of Physics and Professor LUO Haiwei (right) of the School of Life Sciences have been selected as the recipients of the CUHK Research Excellence Award 2021-22 in the Faculty of Science.
CUHK Young Researcher Award 2021
Professor WEI Yingying of the Department of Statistics has been selected for the CUHK Young Researcher Award 2021.
Two Science Students Caring Leaders-in-Training with HKJC Scholarships
YU Kejing (Mathematics) and CHOI Tung Victoria (Molecular Biotechnology) were awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships for their outstanding achievements and leadership qualities.
YU Kejing (Mathematics)
Several years ago, my groupmates and I noticed that a kind of endangered duck called the Chinese merganser started to come to our hometown during winter, but people there didn’t pay enough attention, and some even killed them for food. I then led my group to send brochures, make public speeches, and write to the mayor. Later villagers there stopped polluting the river, and some protective measures were adopted.
The Scholarship is an important recognition of my academic performance, as well as efforts on endangered species conservation, and I will continue my efforts to improve myself and benefit society.
CHOI Tung Victoria (Molecular Biotechnology)
I was pleased to get acquainted with various scholars, graduates, and entrepreneurs with affecting stories through the JC Scholars induction programme.
The community experiences and activities allowed us to come close and listen to the needs of society. After all the discussions, I assured my belief anew that authenticity is an essential quality for being a scholar and a caring leader. Since only genuine conversation can reveal the actual needs, feasible ideas cannot be gathered until then.
My groupmates and I met
Professor Milgrom online
Physics Student WONG Yin Lam Participated in Digital International Science Summer Institute (ISSI) 2022
Martes WONG from Physics was selected by the Croucher Foundation to join the Digital International Science Summer Institute (ISSI) organised by the Weizmann Institute in July 2022 for a four-week scientific research.
“I am honored and grateful to be a part of the Dr. Bessie F. Lawrence ISSI. Mentored by Mr. Abhishek Banerjee, my groupmates and I aimed to analyse the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) model by using the Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) database,” said Martes. Martes and her groupmates even extended thier investigation by comparing the results with the popular and widely-accepted Dark Matter model.
She also added, “Thanks to the connection of the Weizmann Institute, we had the honor to meet and discuss with Professor Mordehai Milgrom, the founder of the MOND theory, not to mention plenty of other scientists in various disciplines. I have gained much more than I could have imagined!”.
CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Excellence
CHEUNG Chun Hin (Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science) and KWAN Ching Tin (Mathematics) received the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Excellence. They will receive a scholarship up to HK$50,000 in recognition of their academic and non-academic achievements.
CHEUNG Chun Hin (Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science)
This scholarship is not only a monetary award but also a recognition of my personal development and achievements ranging from academics to visual arts and music. It is a stimulus for me to aim higher. Receiving this scholarship makes me proud, but by no means complacent. Although the name of the scholarship contains the word “excellence”, I am far away from being excellent in my perspective. I define excellence as the continual will to challenge myself, and thus this is a lifelong journey.
KWAN Ching Tin (Mathematics)
I am honored for being an awardee of the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Excellence, it serves as a recognition for what I have done in the past few years. As I have mentioned at the ceremony, hoping that I would still be a CUHK student who treats learning as an enjoyment instead of responsibility. I hope to remain passionate in exploring the world and digging into the theoretical field of science.
Mathematics PhD Student HAN Fuqun awarded the Silver Prize of ICCM Best Master Thesis Award
HAN Fuqun, a Mathematics PhD student under the supervision of Professor ZOU Jun, was awarded the Silver Prize of the ICCM Best Master Thesis Award in the 9th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians held in Nanjing on 31 July 2022. His work focuses on analysing the numerical methods to solve inverse problems arising from medical imaging, geophysical detection, and non-destructive testing. Congratulations to Fuqun!
Chemistry PhD Students won the First Prize (Innovation Category) at the 8th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
LIU Min and WANG Yue, Chemistry PhD students, won the First Prize in the Innovation Category of the 8th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for their project “Enhanced Biosynthesis of Alpha Farnesene via Phase Separated Multienzyme Compartmentalization”.
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Student Exchange Programme
TSE Pui Shan Iris (Risk Management Science)
Studied at Zhiyuan College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Term 2, 2021-22
I took a few special general studies courses this semester at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, such as Grape and wine culture, the philosophical wisdom of Russell, and Basic French. General studies course is helpful for me to develop different ways of thinking. The cheerful learning atmosphere and group learning style are the keys for me to easily adapt to the university.
My friends and I took a picture in front of the univeristy entrance
My international friends and I prepared meals for others in the DTU Orientation Week
LAU Cheuk Yin (Earth System Science)
Studied at Technical University of Denmark in Term 2, 2021-22
I studied at Denmark for six months and participated in a lot of activities, both academically and socially. I took a course about renewable energy in DTU and learnt how the country protects the environment, which is quite rewarding.
I enjoyed the time making friends from people all over the globe in the Orientation Week. We cooked meals togeteher and shared them with the others. Each of us shared our dining culture with others. I enjoyed spending time with them!
STEM Internship Programme 2022
The CUHK School Heads Alumni Association and Faculty of Science launched the STEM Internship Programme 2022 riding on its success in 2021. Students took part in internships at various schools to broaden their minds and consider developing a future career in education. Hear what the participants say!
LIANG Minru (Biology)
Women’s Welfare Club Western District HK Kindergarten
I am grateful for such a valuable internship opportunity. I learnt how to turn complex concepts into simple ones and mastered the skill in explaining them in a comprehensible way to children. The advice from different teachers is also beneficial to me in developing my future career.
YU Kei Lap (Chemistry)
Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
Through joining the programme, I have gained practical teaching experience in a secondary school. I treasured the time that I spent with the secondary five students. I learnt more about the duties and responsibilities of a teacher. I am also more determined to be a teacher who can get along with students in the future.
Outstanding Alumni Service Award 2022
We are pleased to announce that Mr. LIT Chi Kai and Mr. TSE Yiu Cho Joe were awarded the Outstanding Alumni Service Award 2022 in recognition of their contribution to the Faculty’s career development service.
Mr. LIT Chi Kai (Mathematics Alumnus)
Despite the busy work schedule that Mr. Lit has as a school principal, he actively participates in the alumni activities organised by the Department of Mathematics and has made great contributions to local mathematics education.
He thanked the teachers he met along the journey for their enthusiasm for teaching and inspiration. Having been graduated for many years, he still found the time at CUHK and the Mathematics Department unforgettable.
Mr. TSE Yiu Cho Joe (Statistics Alumnus)
Serving as the President of the Alumni Association of Department of Statistics (STAAA), Mr. Tse leads the association to organise a range of career support services to students and alumni. Apart from strengthening the connection between alumni and the Department of Statistics, he also took part in the Faculty’s Career Fair by serving as the guest speaker in the themed career talk to share his experience of working in the field of data analytics to students.
Alumni Sharing:
Frankie YEUNG - Digging Deep to Discover New Destinations
The Faculty caught up with Physics alumnus and Innotech Scholarship 2019 recipient, YEUNG Chun Yat Frankie, to discuss the interesting twists and turns in life since receiving the Scholarship.
Read the full interview to find out how his solid training in Physics has empowered his exploration and development in Quantitative Finance, and what he learned along the way!
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Mathematics Alumnus Dr. LI Bowen Received the CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Award 2021 and 2022 HKMS Best Thesis Award
Dr. LI Bowen, a mathematics alumnus, was awarded the 2022 CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Award and 2022 Hong Kong Mathematical Society Best Thesis Award.
“It is a great recognition for my performance and pursuit of mathematics during my Ph.D. period (2017-2021) at CUHK”, said Dr. Li.
Dr. Li is broadly interested in applied mathematics and has been working in several diversified topics including scattering resonances, optimal transportation, asymptotic analysis of wave propagation, mathematical materials science, and numerical analysis. Most of his research is driven by curiosity in trying to understand the models or problems from science and engineering.
Postgraduate Research Output Award 2021
Chemistry alumna Ms. LI Lejing has been selected for the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2021.
Reinstitution of the CUHK Chemistry Department Alumni Association
The CUHK Chemistry Department Alumni Association is reinstituted with new cabinet members. The members of the cabinet include:
Dr. TAM Tin Lok Timothy (1999 NA/CHEM, 2001 GS/CHEM)
Mr. SUEN Kwok Wing (1997 NA/CHEM)
Ms. CHEUNG Wai Ching Carona (2001 CC/CHEM)
Dr. LAM Hiu Fung Raymond (2004 NA/CHEM, 2006 GS/CHEM)
Dr. HAN Jie Crystal (2009 GS/CHEM)
Dr. CHAN Yuk Chi (2008 SC/CHEM, 2013 GS/CHEM)
Mr. SHUM Chung Ming Johnson (2008 SC/CHEM)
Dr. CHAN Tek Long (2012 SC/CHEM, 2017 GS/CHEM)
Mr. NGAI Chun Lam Addison (2008 SC/CHEM)
Dr. KEUNG Yiu Cheung Eric (2007 CC/CHEM, 2011 GS/CHEM)
Mr. CHENG Wing Kwan William (2008 NA/CHEM)
Faculty Award Ceremony 2022
It was all smiles on 27 August 2022 (Saturday) when more than 170 staff, students, alumni, and guests gathered at the Faculty Award Ceremony 2022.
At the ceremony, a number of academic, research, and alumni awards were presented to acknowledge excellence in academic and research pursuits, as well as service by our outstanding alumni. Being the first in-person award ceremony at the Faculty for quite some time, it was a truly precious occasion. Among the guests were many proud parents who came to witness the achievements of their sons and daughters, and once again, the Faculty of Science thanks the hard work of our students, teachers, and alumni, as well as their friends and family who gave them much love and support. We look forward to more great achievements by members of our Faculty in the future!
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2022 Science Faculty Mini Impact Symposium - From Research to TSSSU Start-up
Creating societal and economic impact from research beyond academia has become more valued in recent years. This year, we are honoured to have invited two entrepreneurs from the top of the technology industry to share their experiences of translating research into practice via spin-off companies, supported by ITC Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU).
During the Symposium, Professor ZHANG Li, Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering suggested that learning the market needs and forging a professional community network within the field were the keys to successful start-up development. And Professor CHEN Weitian, Associate Professor in the Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology from the Faculty of Medicine shared some hints about pitching for the TSSSU and HKSTP Incubation application. Validating the potential market size and a good product story articulating market pain points would attract the panel. Product protected by patents would be an added advantage making the start-up attractive to investors.
The two entrepreneurs also emphasised the significance of the start-up team members. Choosing partners wisely would lay a solid foundation for the companies' future development.
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