Scientific Training and Mentoring for STEM Talents

STEM 英才科學訓練及培育

課程編號 : 2019-003 (適合中四至中六同學)
Programme No. 2019-003 (suitable for form 4 to form 6 students)

Funded by the Gifted Education Fund, the Faculty of Science of CUHK will launch a 3-tiers training programme for gifted students and provide them with quality off-school science and mathematics training, details are as below:

Programme Provider
Science Academy for Young Talent, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1.  與 STEM 相關的良師啟導研究計劃
     STEM-related Mentorship Programme
2. 可由學生主動提出研究題目,並由大學導師指導的研究計劃
    Self-initiated Research Study supervised by academics of the university

To provide gifted students with off-school science and mathematics training, so that they could:
  • 提高對大學 STEM 課程涵蓋的知識和技能的認知; 
    increase their awareness of the knowledge and skills related to STEM programmes at university level;
  • 嘗試於大學利用所學的進階知識和技巧進行與STEM 相關的研究 ;及
    have a taste of the advanced knowledge and methods for conducting STEM-related research in university; and
  • 在導師指導下獲得與STEM相關的第一手研究經驗,以為他們開拓未來,有利他們在與STEM相關的範疇繼續發展 。
    acquire first-hand experience in STEM-related research under mentors’ guidance and pave ways for students to further their pursuit in STEM-related fields in future.

Maximum No. of Participants and 
Class Level in the 2019/20 school year

Students are streamed into 3 tiers. Maximum number of gifted student participants (Secondary 4 – 6) are set out below:

第一層級: 150 名學生
Tier 1: 150 students
第二層級: 60 名學生
Tier 2: 60 students
第三層級: 25 名學生
Tier 3: 25 students


學生須現時 修讀一個或多個與 STEM 相關的高中選修科目 (例如:物理、化學、生物、綜合科學、組合科學、數學延伸部分單元一 [微積分與統計]、數學延伸部分單元二 [代數與積分]等 )
Students should be currently studying one or more STEM-related electives at senior secondary levels (e.g. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Integrated Science, Combined Science, Mathematics Extended Part Module 1 [Calculus and Statistics], Mathematics Extended Part Module 2 [Algebra and Calculus], etc.)

Medium of Instruction
Course Material: English
Class teaching/Discussion: English supplemented with Cantonese
Programme Duration & Programme Outline*
The programme consists of the following three tiers:


第一層 (約一至二個月,於2020年暑假期間舉行): 學生可從六個 STEM 課程中選讀四個(經調適的大學一年級程度課程)
Tier 1 (about 1-2 months, during summer vacation of 2020): Students can choose 4 out of 6 STEM courses in summer vacation (modified lecture courses of University Year 1 level).

Study any 4 courses from below:

1. 數學 Mathematics:
Number Theory

2. 生命科學 Life Sciences:
Biochemical Perspectives in Health and Disease

3. 統計學 Statistics:
Unexpected and Expected Data Analytic Results: from paradoxes to sport predictive modeling to algorithmic trading

4. 化學 Chemistry:
Fundamental Principles of Chemistry

5. 物理 Physics:
Newton in action: From oscillations to wave motions

6. 地球系統科學 Earth System Science:
Dynamic Solid and Fluid Earth


第二層 (約八個月,於2020年9月至2021年4月的週末舉行):在 第一層表現優異的學生,將獲邀參加進深課程 (選修三個STEM專科課程及參與實驗課堂,課程達大學二年級程度)
Tier 2 (about 8 months, the weekends from September 2020 to April 2021): Students with good performance in Tier 1 will be invited to attend an intensive programme (select 3 STEM courses plus laboratory sessions of University Year 2 level).

Courses will be grouped into two streams:


(1) 化學 + 生命科學 + 地球系統科學
(1) Chemistry + Life Sciences + Earth System Science

(2) 物理 + 數學 + 統計學
(2) Physics + Mathematics + Statistics


I. 化學 Chemistry:
Organic Chemistry: Chemoselectivity and Regioselectivity of Organic Reactions, and Spectroscopic Structural Determination of Organic Compounds

II. 生命科學 Life Sciences:
Laboratory Skills for Life Sciences

III. 地球系統科學 Earth System Science:
Practical Meteorology and Geophysics

IV. 物理 Physics
Elementary Computational Physics

V. 數學 Mathematics 
Number Theory II

VI. 統計學 Statistics
Regression Analysis: Theory and Applications


第三層 (約七個月,於2021年6月至12月舉行): 持續於STEM專科課堂表現出色的學生,將獲邀參加良師啟導研究計劃,題目將按學生的興趣,並與相關教授商討而定。學生將獲邀於12月的研討會上展示他們的研究成果。
Tier 3 (about 7 months, from June to December 2021): Students with good performance in specialised STEM courses consistently will be invited to participate in their mentors’ research project that is related to their interest and being approved by professors. Students will conduct laboratory research at the university during the summer holidays and also on Saturdays from September to November in 2021. A symposium will be organised in December for students to showcase their achievement and learning experiences in research work.


The schedule and teaching mode of the courses will be subject to the latest pandemic development. It may be face-to-face teaching or through on-line teaching platform.

Admission Fee
Free of charge

For further information
Gifted Education Fund: Off-school Advanced Learning Programmes

Other Important Notes

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between this website and other website or doucments, the content of this website shall prevail.

Please check this website regularly for any modifications and/or supplements which may be made.



Document Download


詳細資料 (中文)
Details (English)
(Download Here!!)


pdf 第一層 課程時間表
Programme Schedule Tier 1
* The programme schedule is for reference only.


pdf 第二層 課程時間表
Programme Schedule Tier 2

* The programme schedule is for reference only.