Home People Teaching Staff HUI Pak Ming

HUI Pak Ming

Emeritus Professor and Professor (Teaching)

(852) 39436351



Room 209, 2/F, Science Centre North Block


  • PhD, The Ohio State University, 1987
  • MS, The Ohio State University, 1983
  • BSc, University of Hong Kong, 1981

Academic Employments:

  • August 2020 - now, Professor (Teaching), Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 2000 - 2020 (retired 1 August 2020), Professor, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 1996 - 2000, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 1992 - 1996, Lecturer, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 1989 - 1992, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan
  • 1987 - 1989, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA

Research Fields and Current Interests

  • Modeling Complex Systems -- Dynamics and competing games
  • How to teach undergraduate physics to majors and non-majors effectively
  • Solid State Physics and Statistical Physics

Honours and Awards:

  • Emeritus Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1 August 2020 - )
  • Fellow, Institute of Physics (UK)
  • Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teaching Award 2006 and 2018, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2001, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2018, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Presidential Fellow, The Ohio State University, 1987

Professional Activities and Administrative Duties:

  • April 2006 - March 2024, Honorary Advisor (Education), Leisure and Cultural Department, HKSAR Government
  • August 2021 - July 2023, Member (elected to represent non-professorial rank members in the Faculty), Science Faculty Board, CUHK
  • 2021-22, 2022-23, External Reviewer, School of Science and Engineering, CUHK (Shenzhen)
  • 2022-23, Member, Programme Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, CUHK
  • September 2014 - now, Member, Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
    Past (Selected)
  • August 2018 - July 2020, Chairman, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • August 2012 - July 2022, Member, Programme Committee of Earth System Science Program, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • September 2013 - August 2015, Member, Curriculum Development Council Committee on Science Education
  • 27 September 2013 - 31 August 2015, Chairman, Curriculum Development Council-Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority Committee on Physics
  • Editor (to 2020), Open Physics under sections "Complex Networks, Socio- and Econophysics" and "Statistical and Nonlinear Physics"
  • April 2014 - 2021, Editorial Board Member under "Networks and Complex Systems", Scientific Reports
  • July 2010 - June 2014, Chairman, Council of Physical Society of Hong Kong
  • September 2007 - October 2011, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Science, CUHK
  • October 2005 - August 2013, Chairman, CDC-HKEAA Committee on Physics (Senior Secondary) Curriculum
  • 2005 - 2010, Council Member, Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS)
  • July 2009 - June 2012, Guest Professor, University of Science and Technology of China
  • 2005 - 2007, Member of Executive Committee, Physical Society of Hong Kong
  • 2003 - 2005, President, Physical Society of Hong Kong
  • 2005 - 2006, Member, Committee on Bilingualism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2003 - 2005, Member of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Revision of Sixth-form Physics Curriculum
  • November 2003 - 2005, Member of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Physics (Senior Secondary)
  • 2001 - 2005, Adjunct Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
  • 2001 - 2003, Member of Executive Committee, Physical Society of Hong Kong
  • 1999 - 2001, Vice-President, Physical Society of Hong Kong
  • 1999 - 2002, Member of the Ad-hoc Committee on revising the Secondary 4-5 physics syllabus, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department, HKSAR
  • July 2000, Organizer, Workshop on the Development of Secondary 4-5 Physics Curriculum (jointly organized by the Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department and the Department of Physics, CUHK)
  • June 21-25, 1999, Hong Kong, Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the Fifth International Conference on the Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media (ETOPIM5)
  • July 13-16, 1999, Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the "Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific: First International Conference on Nonlinear Science" held in Hong Kong
  • July 27-29, 1995, Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Complex Fluids and Monte-Carlo Methods-- a satellite conference to STATPHYS-19
  • July 18-24, 1995, Member of the International Advisory Committee of the 2nd IUPAP Topical Conference and the 3rd Taipei International Symposium on Statistical Physics


  • Term 2: PHYS3022 Applied Quantum Mechanics
  • Term 2: PHYS5130 Principles of Thermal and Statistical Physics (MSc in Physics Programme)
  • Term 2: PHYS2520 Student Centred Learning II
  • Term 1: PHYS1110 Engineering Physics: Mechanics and Thermodynamics
  • Term 1: PHYS1003 General Physics for Engineers
  • Term 1: PHYS2510 Student Centred Learning I
  • Term 2: PHYS3022 Applied Quantum Mechanics
  • Term 2: PHYS5130 Principles of Thermal and Statistical Physics (MSc in Physics Programme)
  • Term 1: PHYS1110 Engineering Physics: Mechanics and Thermodynamics
  • Term 1: PHYS1003 General Physics for Engineers
  • Term 1: PHYS2510 Student Centred Learning II
  • PHYS3022 Applied Quantum Mechanics
  • PHYS5660 Semiconductor Physics and Devices
  • PHYS5130 Principles of Thermal and Statistical Physics (MSc in Physics Programme)
  • PHYS1110 Engineering Physics: Mechanics and Thermodynamics
  • Class Notes (partial) on Intermediate Solid State Physics with a focus on semiconductors (Link to course materials)
  • PHYS3021 (Fall 2017) Quantum Mechanics I (Link to course materials)
  • PHYS3022 (Winter 2018) Applied Quantum Mechanics (Link to course materials)
  • PHYS4031 (Fall 2016) Statistical Mechanics (Link to course materials)
  • PHYS4450 (Winter 2013) Solid State Physics (Link to course materials)
  • Introduction to Mechanics
  • Quantum Physics I and Quantum Physics II
  • Electrical Properties of Materials
  • Electromagnetic Theory and Optics
  • Classical Electodynamics
  • (Part of) Solid State Theory
  • Physics Problems I
    Short Courses
  • The Quantum World (a short course for Sixth Formers in the Enrichment Program for Physics Talents)
  • Introduction to Econophysics (a short course for MSc students in Risk Management Science)
  • An Introduction to Plasmonics (a short course for graduate students delivered in 31 May - 3 June 2010 at South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China)

College Affiliation in CUHK:

  • 2012 - now: Fellow, Shaw College
  • Sept 2014 - now, Member, Board of Trustees, Shaw College
  • 2011 - now: Member, Scholarship, Award and Financial Assistance Committee, Shaw College
  • 2012 - now: Member, General Education Committee, Shaw College
  • 2004 - now: Member, Disciplinary Committee, Shaw College
  • Aug 2017 - July 2021: College Representative to the Science Faculty Board
  • 2012 - 2020: Chairperson, Disciplinary Committee, Shaw College
  • 2012 - 2020: Member, Standing Committee, Shaw College
  • 1992 - now: Member of Shaw College, CUHK


Book Reviews:

Selected Recent Publications: [Full publication list]

    Complex Systems and Complex Networks
  • C. Xu, P. M. Hui, "Enhanced cooperation in multiplayer snowdrift games with random and dynamic groupings", Physical Review E 105, 054309 (2022). (Link to paper)
  • C. Xu, P. M. Hui, "Necessity of retaining spatial correlations in studying cooperative behavior in networked populations", Physica A 569, 125766 (2021). (Link to paper)
  • Z. Lin, M. Feng, M. Tang, Z. Liu, C. Xu, P. M. Hui, Y.-C. Lai, "Non-Markovian recovery makes complex networks more resilient against large-scale failures", Nature Communications 11, Article number: 2940 (2020). (Link to paper)
  • C. Xu, P. M. Hui, "Taking preventive measures against infections with a cost in static and dynamic single-group populations", Physica A 540, 123079 (2020). (Link to paper)
  • C. Xu, P. M. Hui, "Emergence of cooperation in finite populations under biased selection", Physica A 535, 122371 (2019). (Link to paper)
  • E.H.W. Xu, P. M. Hui, "Uncovering complex overlapping pattern of communities in large-scale social networks", Applied Network Science 4:27 (2019). (Link to paper)
  • P. D. Manrique, M. Klein, Y. S. Li, C. Xu, P. M. Hui, N. F. Johnson, "Getting closer to a target by being less capable", Science Advances 5 (2), eaau5902 (2019). (Link to paper)
  • X.-L. Chen, W. Wang, S.-M. Cai, M Tang, T. Zhou, P. M. Hui, "Controlling epidemic outbreak based on local dynamic infectiousness on complex networks", Chaos 28, 123105 (2018). (Link to paper)
  • Y. S. Li, C. Xu, C. H. Leung, P. M. Hui, "Anisotropic strategies and the evolution of cooperation in social dilemma on networks", Physica A 512, 882 (2018). (Link to paper)
  • P. D. Manrique, M. Klein, Y. S. Li, C. Xu, P. M. Hui, N. F. Johnson, "Decentralized competition produces nonlinear dynamics akin to klinotaxis", Complexity article ID 9803239 (2018). (Link to paper)
  • Y.S. Li, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "An effective intervention alogorithm for cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game with multiple stable state", Phyisca A 501, 400 (2018). (Link to paper)
  • E.H.W. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Efficient detection of communities with significant overlaps in networks: Partial community merger algorithm", Network Science 7, 71 (2018). (Link to paper)
  • J. Liu, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Evolutionary games with self-questioning adaptive mechanicsm and the Ising model", EPL 119, 68001 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • C.W. Choi, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Adaptive cyclically dominating game on co-evolving networks: Numerical and analytic results", European Physical Journal B 90, 190 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • P.D. Manrique, M. Zheng, Z. Cao, D.D. Johnson Restrepo, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson, "Subsecond tsunamis and delays in decentralized electronic systems", Electronics 6, 80 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • Y. Liu, M. Tang, Y. Do, and P.M. Hui, "Accurate ranking of influential spreaders in networks based on dynamically asymmetric link-impact", Physical Review E 96, 022323 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • P. D. Manrique, M. Zheng, D.D. Johnson Restrepo, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson, "Impact of delayed information in sub-second complex systems", Results in Physics 7, 3024 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • J. Liu, P.M. Hui, "Areas and sizes of cascades in dissipative one-dimensional sandpile model", Physics Letters A 381, 2287 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • W. Zhang, C.W. Choi, Y.S. Li, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Co-evolving prisoner's dilemma: Performance indicators and analytic approaches", Physica A 468, 183 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • M. Xu, D.-F. Zheng, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Three-strategy N-person snowdrift game incorporating loners", Physica A 468, 454 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • P.D. Manrique, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson, "Atypical viral dynamics from transport through popular places", Physical Review E 94, 022304 (2016). (Link to paper)
  • P.D. Manrique, H. Qi, M. Zheng, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson, "Anomalous contagion and renormalization in dynamical networks with nodal mobility", EPL 115, 18001 (2016). (Link to paper)
  • C. Xu, W. Zhang, P. Du, C.W. Choi, P.M. Hui, "Understanding cooperative behavior in structurally disordered populations", European Physical Journal B, 89: 152 (2016). (Link to paper) (Link to highlight)
  • P.D. Manrique, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson, "Internal character dictates transition dynamics between isolation and cohesive groups", Physical Review E 92, 062803 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • C. Liu, X.-X.Zhan, Z.-K. Zhang, G.-Q. Sun, P.M. Hui, "How events determine spreading patterns: information transmission via internal and external influences on social networks", New Journal of Physics 17, 113045 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • C.W. Choi, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Partially satisfied to fully satisfied transitions in co-evolving inverse voter model and possible scaling behavior", Physics Letters A 379, 3029 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • W. Zhang, Y.S. Li, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Cooperative behavior and phase transitions in co-evolving stag-hunt game", Physica A 443, 161 (2016). (Link to paper)
  • Elvis H.W. Xu, W. Wang, C. Xu, M. Tang, Y. Do, P.M. Hui, "Suppressed epidemics in multirelational networks", Physical Review E 92, 022812 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • P.M. Hui, C. Xu, "Scaling behavior can be tricky: Comment on "Universal scaling for the dilemma strength in evolutionary games" by Zeng et al.", Physics of Life Reviews 14, 39-40 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • J. Liu, Y. Li, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Evolutionary behavior of generalized zero-determinant strategies in iterated prisoner's dilemma", Physica A 430, 81 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • Z. Ruan, C. Wang, P.M. Hui, Z. Liu, "Integrated travel network model for studying epidemics: Interplay between journeys and epidemic", Scientific Reports 5, 11401 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • M. Xu, D.-F. Zheng, C. Xu, L. Zhong, P.M. Hui, "Cooperative behavior in N-person evolutionary snowdrift game with punishment", Physica A 424, 322 (2015). (Link to paper)
  • W. Zhang, Y.S. Li,P. Du, C. XU, P.M. Hui, "Phase transitions in a coevolving snowdrift game with costly rewiring", Physical Review E 90, 052819 (2014). (Link to paper)
  • K. Gong, M. Tang, P.M. Hui, H.F. Zhang, Y. Do, Y.-C. Lai, "An efficient immunization strategy for community networks", PLoS One 8, e83489 (2013). (Link to paper)
  • M. Ji, C. Xu, C.W. Choi, and P.M. Hui, "Correlations and analytic approaches to co-evolving voter models" New Journal of Physics 15, 113024 (2013). (Link to paper)
  • W. Zhang, C. Xu, and P.M. Hui, "Spatial structure enhanced cooperation in dissatisfied adaptive snowdrift game" European Physical Journal B 86, 196 (2013). (Link to paper)
  • N.F. Johnson, P. Manrique, and P.M. Hui, "Modeling insurgent dynamics including heterogeneity: A statistical physics approach", Journal of Statistical Physics 151, 395 (2013). (Link to paper)
  • W. Zhang, Y.S. Li,P. Du, C. XU, P.M. Hui, "Phase transitions in a coevolving snowdrift game with costly rewiring", Physical Review E 90, 052819 (2014). (Link to paper)
  • Z.Y. Ruan, P.M. Hui, H.Q. Lin, and Z.H. Liu, "Risks of an epidemic in a two-layered railway-local area traveling network" European Physical Journal B 86, 13 (2013). (Link to paper)
  • N.W.H. Chan, C. Xu, S.K. Tey, Y.J. Yap, and P.M. Hui, "Evolutionary snowdrift game incorporating costly punishment in structured populations", Physica A 392, 168 (2013). (Link to paper)
  • A.-X. Cui, Z.-K. Zhang, M. Tang, P.M. Hui, and Y. Fu, "Emergence of scale-free close-knot friendship structure in online social networks", PLoS One 7, e50702 (2012). (Link to paper)
  • Z. Yang, T. Zhou, P.M. Hui, and J.-H. Ke, "Instability in Evolutionary Games", PLoS One 7, e49663 (2012). (Link to paper)
  • P.-P. Li, J.-H. Ke, Z. Lin, and P.M. Hui, "Cooperative behavior in evolutionary snowdrift games with the unconditional imitation rule on regular lattices", Physical Review E 85, 021111 (2012). (Link to paper)
  • M. Ji, C. Xu, and P.M. Hui, "Effects of dynamical grouping on cooperation in N-person evolutionary snowdrift game", Physical Review E 84, 036113 (2011). (Link to paper)
  • O. Graser, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Analytic approach to co-evolving dynamics in complex networks: dissatisfied adaptive snowdrift game", New Journal of Physics 13, 083015 (2011). (Link to paper)
  • Y.-C. Ni, H.P. Yin, C. Xu, P.M. Hui, "Analyzing phase diagrams and phase transitions in networked competing populations", European Physical Journal B 80, 233 (2011). (Link to paper)
  • O. Graser, P.M. Hui, C. Xu, "Separatrices between healthy and endemic states in an adaptive epidemic model", Physica A 390, 906 (2011). (Link to paper)
  • Z. Zhao, J.P. Calderon, C. Xu, G. Zhao, D. Fenn, D. Sornette, R. Crane, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson, "Effect of social group dynamics on contagion", Physical Review E 81, 056107 (2010). (Link to paper)
  • Z. Zhao, D.J. Fenn, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson, "Self-organized global control of carbon emissions", Physica A 389, 3546 (2010).
  • O. Graser, C. Xu, and P.M. Hui, "Disconnected-connected network transitions and phase separation driven by co-evolving dynamics", EPL 87, 38003 (2009). (Link to paper)
  • N.F. Johnson, C. Xu, Z. Zhao, N. Ducheneaut, N. Yee, G. Tita, and P.M. Hui, "Human group formation in online guilds and offline gangs driven by a common team dynamic", Physical Review E 79, 066117 (2009). (Link to paper)
    Click here for an APS News item on the paper and click here for a news item in Guardian UK.
  • Y.-Y. Yu, C. Xu, G.-Q. Gu, and P.M. Hui, "Spies in the minority game", Physical Review E 77, 011106 (2008).
    Click here for a highlight on the paper in Nature China (January 2008).
  • C.-H. Chan, H.P. Yin, P.M. Hui, and D.F. Zheng, "Evolution of cooperation in well-mixed N-person snowdrift game", Physica A 387, 2919 (2008).
  • P.P. Li and P.M. Hui, "Dynamics of opinion formation in hierarchical social networks: Network structure and inital bias", Euorpean Physical Journal B 61, 371 (2008).
  • D.F. Zheng, H.P. Yin, C.H. Chan, and P.M. Hui, "Cooperative behavior in a model of evolutionary snowdrift games with N-person interactions", EPL 80, 18002 (2007).
  • Z.H. Liu and P.M. Hui, "Collective signaling behavior in a networked-oscillator model", Physica A 383, 714 (2007).
  • L.-X. Zhong, D.-F. Zheng, B. Zheng, C. Xu, and P.M. Hui, "Networking effects on cooperation in evolutionary snowdrift game", Europhysics Letters 76, 724 (2006). (Link to paper)
  • N.F. Johnson, D.M.D. Smith, and P.M. Hui, "Multi-agent complex systems and many-body physics", Europhysics Letters 74, 923 (2006).
  • N.F. Johnson, S.C. Choe, S. Gourley, T. Jarrett and P.M. Hui, "Crowd effects in competitive, multi-agent populations and networks", in T. Lux, S. Reitz, E. Samanidou (Eds), Nonlinear Dynamics and Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 550, 55-70 (Springer Verlag, Berlin 2005).
  • T.S. Lo, K.P. Chan, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "Theory of enhanced performance emerging in a sparsely connected competitative population", Physical Review E 71, 050101(R) (2005).
  • D.F. Zheng, P.M. Hui, S. Trimper, and B. Zheng, "Epidemics and dimensionality in hierarchical networks", Physica A 352, 659 (2005). (Link to paper)
  • T.S. Lo, H.Y. Chan, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "Theory of networked minority game based on strategy pattern dynamics", Physical Review E 70, 056102 (2004).
  • S.C. Choe, N.F. Johnson and P.M. Hui, "Error-driven global transition in a competitive population on a network", Physical Review E 70, 055101(R) (2004).
  • S. Gourley, S.C. Choe, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "Effects of local connectivity in a competitive population with limited resources", Europhysics Letters 67, 867 (2004).
  • H.J. Quan, P.M. Hui, C. Xu and K.F. Yip, "Evolutionary minority game with multiple options", Physical Review E 70, 016119 (2004).
  • N.F. Johnson, S.C. Choe, S. Gourley, T. Jarrett and P. M. Hui, "Theory of collective dynamics in multi-agent complex systems", in Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol. 44, 427-438, edited by B. Kramer (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004). [Contribution to the "Fruehjahrstagung" der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG Spring Meeting 2004), Regensburg, Germany 8-12 March 2004.]
  • H.Y. Lee, H.Y. Chan and P.M. Hui, "Scale-free networks with tunable degree-distribution exponents", Physical Review E 69, 067102 (2004).
  • K.F. Yip, T.S. Lo, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "Enhanced winning in a competing population by random participation", Physical Review E 69, 046120 (2004).
  • D.F. Zheng, S. Trimper, B. Zheng and P.M. Hui, "Weighted scale-free networks with stochastic weight assignments", Physical Review E 67, 040102 (2003).
  • D. Zheng, G.J. Rodgers, P.M. Hui and R. D'Hulst, "Non-universal scaling and dynamical feedback in generalized models of financial markets", Physica A 303, 176 (2002).
  • K. Lee, P.M. Hui, B.H. Wang and N.F. Johnson, "Effects of announcing global information in a two-route traffic flow model", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 70, 3507 (2001).
  • M. Hart, P. Jefferies, N.F. Johnson and P.M. Hui, "Crowd-anticrowd theory of the minority game", Physica A 298, 537 (2001).
  • P. Jeffereis, M.L. Hart, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "From market games to real-world markets", European Physical Journal B 20, 493 (2001).
  • M. Hart, P. Jefferies, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "Crowd-Anticrowd theory of multi-agent market games", European Physical Journal B 20, 547 (2001).
  • B.H. Wang and P.M. Hui, "The distribution and scaling of fluctuations for Hang Seng index in Hong Kong stock market", European Physical Journal B 20, 573 (2001).
  • M. Hart, P. Jefferies, N.F. Johnson and P.M. Hui, "Generalized strategies in the minority game", Physical Review E 63, Article No. 017102 (2001).
  • T.S. Lo, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "Theory of the evolutionary minority game", Physical Review E 62, 4393 (2000).
  • N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui, D.F. Zheng and C.W. Tai, "Minority game with arbitrary cutoffs", Physica A 269, 493 (1999).
  • N.F. Johnson, M. Hart and P.M. Hui, "Crowd effects and volatility in markets with competing agents", Physica A 269, 1 (1999).
  • B.H. Wang, Y.R. Kwong, P.M. Hui and Bambi Hu, "Cellular automaton models of driven diffusive Frenkel-Kontorova-type systems", Physical Review E 60, 149 (1999).
  • N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui, R. Jonson and T.S. Lo, "Self-organized segregation within an evolving population", Physical Review Letters 82, 3360 (1999). Click here for a news item in physicsworld.com (IoP, UK).
  • N.F. Johnson, S. Jarvis, R. Jonson, P. Cheung, Y.R. Kwong and P.M. Hui, "Volatility and agent adaptability in a self-organizing market", Physica A 258, 230 (1998).
  • S.C. Benjamin, N.F. Johnson and P.M. Hui, "Cellular Automaton Models of Traffic Flow Along a Highway Containing a Junction", J. Phys. A: Math & Gen 29, 3119 (1996).
  • K.H. Chung, P.M. Hui and G.Q. Gu, "Two-dimensional Traffic Flow Problems with Faulty Traffic Lights", Physical Review E 51, 772 (1995).
    Condensed Matter Physics
  • R. Zhu and P.M. Hui, "Shot noise and Fano factor in tunneling in three-band pseudospin-1 Dirac-Weyl systems", Physics Letters A 381, 1971 (2017). (Link to paper)
  • M.Y. Li and P.M. Hui, "Exact surface plasmon dispersion relation with ponderomotive nonlinearity in a metal/dielectric structure", Optics Communications 316, 174 (2014). (Link to paper)
  • Y.H. Lai and P.M. Hui, "Surface plasmon dispersion relation of a metallic wire in a nonlinear dielectric medium", Optics Communications 304, 111 (2013). (Link to paper)
  • H.P. Yin and P.M. Hui, "Controlling enhanced transmission through semiconductor gratings with subwavelength slits by a magnetic field: Numerical and analytic results", Applied Physics Letters 95, 011115 (2009). (Link to paper)
  • H. P. Yin, C. Xu, and P. M. Hui, ``Exact surface plasmon dispersion relations in a linear-metal-nonlinear dielectric structure of arbitrary nonlinearity", Applied Physics Letters 94, 221102 (2009). (Link to paper)
  • D.H. Liu, C. Xu, and P.M. Hui, "Effects of a coating of spherically anisotropic material in core-shell particles", Applied Physics Letters 92, 181901 (2008). (Link to paper)
  • K.Y. Fong and P.M. Hui, "Controlling enhanced transmission through metallic gratings with subwavelength slits by anisotropic waveguide resonance", Applied Physics Letters 91, 171101 (2007). (Link to paper)
  • K.Y. Fong and P.M. Hui, "Coupling of waveguide and surface modes in enhanced transmission through stacking gratings", Applied Physics Letters 89, 091101 (2006). (Link to paper)
  • K.Y. Fong and P.M. Hui, "Wave characteristics in a periodic dielectrics via linear superposition of retarded fields", Journal of the Optical Society of America A 23, 3229 (2006).
  • C. Xu, P.M. Hui, L.F. Zhang, Y.Q. Ma, J.H. Zhou and Z.Y. Li, "Hysteresis in small arrays of interacting magnetic nanoparticles", European Physical Journal B 46, 475 (2005).
  • L.F. Zhang, C. Xu, P.M. Hui and Y.Q. Ma, "Influence of dipolar interaction on small magnetic dot arrays", Journal of Applied Physics 97, 103912 (2005).
  • C. Xu, P.M. Hui, Y.Q. Ma and L.F. Zhang, "Rapid magnetization reversal in magnetic small particles induced by non-static bias field", Solid State Communications 134, 625 (2005).
  • P.M. Hui, C. Xu and D. Stroud, "Second-harmonic generation for a dilute suspension of coated particles", Physical Review B 69, 014203 (2004).
  • P.M. Hui, C. Xu, and D. Stroud, "Dimensional crossover in the effective second-harmonic generation of films of random dielectrics", Physical Review B 69, 014202 (2004).
  • C. Xu, P.M. Hui, J.H. Zhou and Z.Y. Li, "Biased switching in an interacting pair of magnetic particles", Journal of Applied Physics 91, 5957 (2002).
  • G.Q. Gu, P.M. Hui, C. Xu and W.C. Woo, "Field transformation approach to photonic band structure calculations", Solid State Communcations 120, 483 (2001).
  • C. Xu, Z.Y. Li and P.M. Hui, "Monte Carlo studies of hysteresis curves in magnetic composites with fine magnetic particles", Journal of Applied Physics 89, 3403 (2001).
  • P.M. Hui, X. Zhang, A.J. Markworth and D. Stroud, "Thermal conductivity of graded composites: Numerical simulations and an effective medium approximation", Journal of Materials Science 34, 5497 (1999).
  • S.K. Wong, B. Zhao, T.K. Ng, X.N. Jing, X. Yan and P.M. Hui, "A phenomenological model of percolating magnetic nanostructures", European Physical Journal B 10, 481 (1999).
  • P.M. Hui and D. Stroud, "Theory of second harmonic generation in composites of nonlinear dielectrics", Journal of Applied Physics 82, 4740 (1997).
  • P.M. Hui and W.M.V. Wan, "Theory of effective response in dilute strongly nonlinear random composites", Applied Physics Letters 69, 1810 (1996).

Review Article:

  • P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson, "Photonic Band-Gap Materials", in Solid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications 49, 151-203 (1995), edited by H. Ehrenreich and F. Spaepen.

Edited Conference Proceedings:

  • P.M. Hui, P. Sheng and L.-H. Tang (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media (ETOPIM5), published in Physica A 279, Nos. 1-3 (2000).
  • K.C. Lee, P.M. Hui and T. Kushida (eds), "Optical Properties of Solids" (World Scientific, Singapore 1991).

Research Grants:

  • CUHK Direct Grant (17/18): Individual decision-making and grouping in collective dynamics of social contagion
  • CUHK Direct Grant (14/15): Adaptive Zero-determinant strategy in iterated prisoner's dilemma
  • CUHK Direct Grant (12/13): Towards a better understanding of models of complex systems
  • RGC General Research Fund (09/10): Dynamical Processes in Coevolving Networks -- Physics and Applications
  • RGC Earmarked Grant (05/06): Network Effects and Emerging Global Function in Multi-agent Network Models of Competitive Populations
  • CUHK Direct Grant (05/06): Dynamical processes in complex networks
  • RGC Earmarked Grant (01/02): Physics of Adaptive Behaviour in a Population of Competing Agents
  • RGC Earmarked Grant (2000/01): Coulomb blockade and quantum effects in granular systems (with Prof. Tai-Kai Ng of HKUST as PI)
  • NSFC Key Project (00/02): Member of research team on the Key Project "Research on traffic flow in cities" in collaboration with Prof. S.Q. Dai (PI, Shanghai University) and Prof. B.H. Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
  • NSFC Grant (00/02): Study on self organization criticality and phase transition behavior of traffic flow complex systems (with Prof. B.H. Wang (PI, University of Science and Technology of China) and Prof. L.K. Chen (ShenZhen University))
  • NSFC Grant (99/01): Modelling and simulations of trafffic flow in cities (with Prof. S.Q. Dai (PI, Shanghai University) and Prof. G.Q. Gu (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology))
  • RGC Earmarked Grant (98/99): Theory of harmonic generations in random composites of nonlinear dielectrics
  • British Council/RGC UK-HK Joint Research Scheme (97/98): Financial Markets as Complex Dynamical Systems (with Dr. Neil Johnson of Oxford University)
  • RGC Earmarked Grant (97/98): Vehicular Traffic Flow Problems: Statistical Physics Approaches
  • Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (95-98): Member of a team on the project "Novel nonlinear analysis of traffic flow problems in cities: Theory, simulations, and applications"
  • RGC Earmarked Grant (95/96): Transport and Optical Properties of Nonlinear Inhomogeneous Media (with Dr. K.W. Yu)
  • British Council/RGC UK-HK Joint Research Scheme (94/95): Physics of Quantum Dots (with Dr. Neil Johnson of Oxford University)
  • CUHK Direct Grant (94/95): Physics of Macroscopically Inhomogeneous Media
  • CUHK Direct Grant (94/95): Traffic Flow Problems: Cellular Automaton Models
  • British Council/RGC UK-HK Joint Research Scheme (93/94): Theory of Photonic Band-Gap Materials (with Dr. Neil Johnson of Oxford University)
  • RGC Earmarked Grant (93/94): Physics of Random Nonlinear Composites (with Dr. K.W. Yu)
  • CUHK Direct Grant (92/93): Clustering Effects in Random Nonlinear Composites