Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (S-KPF)

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What is S-KPF?

S-KPF is a structured programme with seed funding and incubation services for CUHK academics to transform social innovation ideas into social enterprises, which are eventually supported by self-generated income, external investors and other funding sources. From nurturing ideas to developing a business canvas, competitive analysis and go-to-market strategy, Social Innovation team @ ORKTS will accompany teams in embracing challenges and opportunities in the early start-up stage, helping create values and social impact for a sustainable society.


Project Leader and Co-Leader(s) must be full-time CUHK staff on professoriate or research academic ranks. Other teaching staff will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

All CUHK staff, students and non-CUHK members may join as team members.

Funding Amount

HK$600,000 for 2 years


Business development consultancy

Publicity and media engagement support

Partnership liaison

Assessment Criteria

Social impact of the proposed business – 30%

Track record and expertise of the Project Leader and team members – 20%

Relevance to underpinning research and innovativeness – 20%

Viability and business readiness (i.e. business model, product-market fit) – 20%

Potential to attract investment (for company limited by shares) or grant from private foundation or government (for company limited by guarantee) - 10%

Important dates

Sept 2022 – Call for Proposals

Oct 2022 – Information Session

Nov 2022 – Submission Deadline

Jan 2023 – Vetting Interview

Mar 2023 – Results Announcement

Apr 2023 – Project Commencement

Apply Here