28 Oct 2022 09:30am - 05:30pm
CUHK Innovation Day 2022 (28 October 2022)

Event Date: 28 Oct 2022 09:30am - 05:30pm
Type: Exhibition
Organizer: Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services
Over the years, CUHK has strived to translate research and innovation (R&I) into projects that create societal impacts. Through the CUHK Innovation Day, we aim to inspire and encourage our CUHK community to continue to innovate for societal impact. At this event, we bring together government officials, policymakers, stakeholders in research and innovation, industry leaders, and the CUHK community to create synergy and forge meaningful connections.
This year, CUHK’s research and innovation in three areas including Vaccinology, Microelectronics and Carbon Neutrality will be featured in the thematic sessions of the event. Together with the booth exhibition highlighting our outstanding startup projects, the event will demonstrate CUHK’s effort and achievements in promoting research and innovation in Hong Kong.
Date: 28 Oct 2022
For more information, please visit: https://innovationday.cuhk.edu.hk/
Programme Rundown