Committee on Campus Development and Enhancement

Prof. SHU Ching Tat Chester

Ex-officio Members

Prof. CHEUNG Kam Siu Kenneth (Dean of Students)
Miss LUK Man Chung Jean (College Secretary)


Mr. CHANG Kwun Hung Jonathan
Prof. HO Siu Kee 
Prof. LAM Hon Ming 
Prof. NAKANO Lynne Yukie 
Prof. TAM Siu Mi Maria 
Prof. TAM Wai Ping Lukas
1 student representative
1 student representative from College Student Union
1 representative from CDO
1 representative from EMO



  Effective Date : 01 August 2022


(A)     Terms of Reference

          1.     To formulate plans in relation to cultural enrichment, environmental sustainment, and 

                     facility enhancement on New Asia campus (hereafter the “campus”);

          2.     To articulate a long-term vision of the campus design in alignment with the College missions and spirit;

          3.     To recommend optimal uses of campus areas for the well-being of the College community;

          4.     To advise on donations in kind with impact on the landscaping and general environment of the campus, 

                     including but not limited to greenery, artistic and architectural pieces;

          5.     To be accountable to the Assembly of Fellows.

(B)     Composition

          1.     Up to 15 members (excluding student representatives);

          2.     The Chairperson is appointed by the Assembly of Fellows, while the Secretary is appointed by 

                    the College Secretary.

(C)    Meeting Schedule

         The Chairperson calls for meetings whenever needed.




        12 January 2017