Application for payment deferal (2nd term, 2016/17)


Application period

09 - 25 January 2017               9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.  and  2:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Note: Office is closed on Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holiday.



Dean of Students’ Office,1/F, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College.


Payment due date of tuition fee for the 2nd term is 31 January 2017 A fine of HK$200 will be imposed on late payment.


Please go to, click “CUSIS and MyStudy”, tab at the top and then click “Print Online Debit Note” on the left menu bar to view or print your Debit Note.


Please apply in person with the  application form and below documents or their copies

1.        Printed copy of Student Fees Debit Note

2.        Proofs / correspondence of government financial assistance scheme(s) applied (if applicable)

3.        Financial documents of all household members (e.g., bank statement / passbook showing holder's name and last 6 months’ balance)


Ms. Karen Lee (Tel: 3943-8615; Email:

Ms. Edith Tsang (Tel: 3943-7944; Email: